2010年4月30日 星期五

Unilever (LSE: ULVR)

Anglo-Dutch multinational food and consumer goods producer

owns more than 400 brands, including Ben & Jerry's ice cream, Domestos bleach, Flora margarine, Lynx deodorant, PG Tips tea and Signal toothpaste.

2010 ESP +32%
dividend raised by 6.7%.

Strong indicator that global consumers, whilst still smarting from the lingering effects of the recession, are bouncing back.

Strong Brands That People Buy Regularly

A nice business to be in is one where you sell a relatively low-cost product which people buy again and again because it fulfils a need, rather than a want. Whilst Unilever's markets are highly competitive thanks to the likes of Kraft, Nestlé, Proctor and Gamble, Reckitt-Benckiser (LSE: RB) and numerous smaller manufacturers, Unilever's strong brands create lots of consumer loyalty, thus deterring brand-switching and so protecting those all-important repeat purchases.
Most households in the developed world regularly use at least one Unilever product, have used them for many years, and will continue to do so. Unilever's brands are split into three groups; food, personal care and home care (cleaning and washing) with roughly 73% of Unilever's turnover coming from its top 25 brands.

Developing countries are becoming increasingly important to Unilever, with sales growth for the last quarter in Africa, Asia and Latin America all significantly outpacing that seen in Europe and North America. There is plenty of scope for further growth from these regions, particularly in the fast-growing markets of Brazil, China and India where consumers are increasingly adopting parts of the Western lifestyle.

Relatively Secure Sales

The contrast in the recent performance of a company like Unilever and, say, a car manufacturer, is particularly stark. It's relatively easy for a consumer to defer buying a new car for a year during hard times, which is why car makers' sales fell off the proverbial cliff during the last eighteen months. In contrast people don't stop buying food and shampoo, so there was no need for a "cash for cleaners" subsidy by governments to get people to buy Dove soap or Persil washing powder!

Another nice thing about companies like Unilever is that, notwithstanding small changes to their existing brands and the introduction of some new products, they don't need to cope with the highly disruptive technological changes which affect many firms, particularly those in the computing and information technology industries.

After all, there's only so much you can do to deodorant, ice cream, soap and tea, so most of the innovation seen in these markets occurs in advertising, marketing and packaging.

Looking Back To 2009

In my last article about Unilever, written in June 2009, my main concern was not about the global recession. This is because it is perfectly normal for a consumer goods company' profits to fall during a recession as the standard practice is to cut prices to maintain market share.

Unilever was no exception as earnings per share for 2009 fell by 32% whilst its sales fell by a mere 1.7%.

Instead my focus was upon Unilever's pension scheme deficit. There was some good news in the 2009 annual report which showed that the scheme deficit had fallen from €3,382 million at the end of 2008 to €2,582 million by 2009.

However, the quarterly results showed that the deficit had increased slightly to €2.7 billion, largely because of the effect of falling interest rates (lower interest rates means higher scheme liabilities). Good but not great.

Unilever's results for the last five years are summarised in the table below:

2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
Total Sales (millions)
€39,823 €40,523 €40,187 €39,642 €38,401
Diluted earnings per share
€1.17 €1.73 €1.31 €1.60 €1.25
Dividend per share
64.41p 60.74p 51.11p 47.66p 45.13p

2010 First Quarter -- Bouncing Back

It's no surprise that Unilever's share price has increased by more than a third since June, while the global economy has been emerging from the recession, from 1,450p to 1,980p.

Using an exchange rate of €1.16 per £1, the shares are on a fairly high historic P/E ratio of 19.6 but if the eps growth from the first quarter is repeated for the rest of the year, the prospective P/E ratio drops to about 15. That's not particularly expensive for a company of this quality which has increased its dividend by around 42% during the last five years.

Unilever's shares have had a good run over the past year and, whilst the global recovery is mostly priced into the shares and the pension scheme niggles remain, the shares are well worth holding onto.





房地產新政推出後,交易數量下挫,部分城市房價下跌。目前資金處於離場觀望狀態,但是資金本身並沒有在跌市中被摧毀。而且隨著一個負利率時代的來臨,銀行的儲蓄搬家估計會愈演愈烈。在央行全面大規模回收過剩流動性之前,房市的潛在購買力應該會維持在強勁的水平。  一手市場房源不足,是當前房市另一個突出的特點。其實在宏觀調控和全球金融危機的夾擊下,多數開發商在2008年陷入流動性危機,幾乎沒有甚麼新動工項目。至2009年上半年,開發商紛紛趁市旺而出貨套現建設不足加上出貨過快,導致去年下半年開始新盤供應嚴重不足,導致一手市場善價而沽,帶起了房價的一輪「乾升」。



筆者認為在短期內,房價會在高位振盪,突然大跌的可能性不大。房價在政策打壓與供應短缺之間拉鋸,中央政府與地方政府之間博奕,資金在恐懼與貪婪之間徘徊。  然而進入下半年後,房地產市場估計會出現變局。開發商在去年6-9月份集中拿地,估計至今年下半年新盤便會成批湧現。由於調控政策緊鑼密鼓般地推出,開發商也會抱著「入袋為安」的心態,盡量套現。筆者相信下半年新盤推出的時間可能早過預期,數量可能大過預期。房市供需的天平開始失衡,房市因此進入調整期。  






一旦資金鏈吃緊,開發商隨時可能「跳樓甩賣」。後者的關鍵是業主的資金壓力。如果業主沒有資金、利率成本壓力,空置本身不足以說明房價必然大跌。  有一種觀點認為一線城市房價有泡沫,但是三線城市沒有泡沫。的確三線城市的房價不算太高,但是那裏的工資也低許多。目前炒三線城市的有許多是外地資金,而全國房價均屬流動性驅動的。一旦流動性被收緊,筆者難以想像一線城市的房價跌而三線城市房價升。也許下一個周期中三線城市孕育著更多的機會,不過在目前下行周期,筆者認為三線房價也會跌,只是跌得相對少一點。  



巨騰國際(3336) - PC機殼界手執牛耳

全球2010 第一季個人電腦付運量接近八千萬台,比去年同期勁升24.2%,

環顧行業聯想(00992)累積升幅驚人, 高估值已經將唔少利好因素反映。在產業供應鏈上,從事電腦及手提電腦機殼的巨騰國際(03336),值得留意。

巨騰在PC機殼界手執牛耳,市場佔有率由一成五去到三成 (2005 -2010)













「年內,我們繼續深化與母行中國銀行的業務合作,並取得堅實成果,顯示了我們共同努力的力量。透過亞太銀團貸款中心,我們得以擴展區內業務及增加相關收入,而中國銀行集團在2009年亞太銀團貸款業務亦提昇至第一名。我們還繼續加強於2009年4月開展的全球關係管理試點計劃,配合我們主要企業客戶於全球發展的需要,提供一站式的服務。我們將繼續利用核心業務優勢,與中國銀行建立更緊密的合作,一同捕捉中國及亞太地區的新興商機,以實現共贏。」以上是中銀香港主席肖鋼在2009年年報中的一段話。  我想指出的是,在母公司的配合下,中銀香港這幾年將會享有很大優勢,這是其他外資銀行,以至中資的兄弟行也難望其項背的。                   




我相信,從以上幾項滙報中大家已經可以瞭解到,中銀香港的級數跟其他在香港經營業務的外資、華資,甚麼中資銀行,都是不可同日而語的。  中銀早前公布的2009年業績,盈利大幅增長了3倍,達到137億港元(下同)但主要因為2008年的基數太低,只賺33億元,所以顯得特別亮麗。其實,這個數字(以更專業的每股盈利計)大約只等於2005年所賺的錢。而2006及2007年這兩年,中銀的業務增長顯著放慢,到2008年更加受到金融海嘯的衝擊而急速滑落。  

我認為,中銀已經找到她的增長點,就是緊密地與母公司中國銀行合作,在亞太地區發展離岸人民幣業務,以及貿易融資業務。而在香港,她又有投資移民這度「幌子」,650萬以外,還可以有其他的配套服務呢!  因此,未來兩年,中銀的盈利有很大機會突破2007年的154億元高位(每股盈利1﹒46元),現價(昨日收報18﹒84元)計的2010年市帳率大約1﹒8倍,市盈率12倍左右,我認為相當吸引。以一個月低位18﹒5元為入市位,持有至今年年底,回報應該逾兩成。《經濟通通訊社資深分析員 李飛揚》

2010年4月29日 星期四

Who Will Benefit From Mobile Banking?

Mobile banking is set to grow exponentially and there will be a number of companies that benefit from this. Most notable among them may be those companies facilitating this trend; those making the 'picks and shovels' that enable 'm-banking'.

According to research by Berg Insight, the worldwide number of users of mobile banking and related services is forecast to grow from 55 million users in 2009 to 894 million users in 2015.
While we may quibble over the exact figures, it is clear that in our increasingly pressurised lives the convenience of mobile banking will lead to its increasing use by a time poor populace.

Here are the sectors that I think may well benefit from this trend, with players named where I feel confident that have a realistic chance of coming out on top.


Of course, banks should benefit from both lower costs and (even more) opportunities to cross sell their products. It's hard to see one particular bank being much more successful than the others though.

Mobile operators

As we spend more time online, mobile telecom operators such as Vodafone (LSE: VOD) should obviously reap some benefits. Indeed, unlike Internet banking, where the carrier is merely a conduit, using smartphones will enable them to provide authentication. This essentially means carriers should get a slice of the mobile banking pie. How big? I'm not sure.

On the down side, there are a host of competitors in this space and the pace of development is such that you'd need to have a crystal ball to be sure of picking a long term winner. Yet, in the short term, Vodafone is well placed to benefit in the UK.

Mobile internet device manufacturers

Smartphones and other mobile internet devices are already starting to integrate banking services with mobile apps. At the moment Apple with its iPhone and Google with Nexus One Android seem to be getting most of the press. As with banks, it's pretty difficult to pick a winner here.

Software vendors

Companies providing software that ensures secure and customer-friendly online banking stand to benefit from the growth in m-banking as banks and building societies develop their offerings. However, the difficulty, as ever, is in finding companies that stand a realistic chance of benefitting in the long term.

I'm particularly wary of companies that are only now jumping into this space, with no track record of providing front end banking software.

However, a couple of AIM-quoted companies do stand out. They are relatively risky plays so anyone thinking of investing should conduct plenty more research and only invest what they can afford to lose.


In the area of mobile payments, Monitise (LSE: MONI) is an interesting play. It enables customers to bank and make payment transactions directly from their mobile handset.
It already has around two million customers and Visa owns 13.6% of the company. The share price has already risen six-fold in the past year, valuing the company at just over £100m, despite the fact that it has still to make a profit

It has an enviable list of clients, which include: HSBC (LSE: HSBA), First Direct, Alliance & Leicester, Royal Bank of Scotland (LSE: RBS), Natwest and Ulster Bank.

Account management

Another AIM-listed company that is set to benefit from mobile banking is Intelligent Environments (LSE: IEN). Its mobile banking software platform, based on its successful web-based banking software, has already been sold to one retail bank and is due to be launched as an iPhone app in May by the same (unnamed) bank in conjunction with a 'major retailer'.

Intelligent Environments claims the functionality of its iPhone app is richer than any competitor, due to its ability to interrogate a bank's back office systems. Hence, it can provide an identical level of functionality to that offered by a bank's own web site. This will allow bank customers to securely access their accounts to view statements, interrogate transactions, make payments and take advantage of special marketing offers.

It's early days, but the company has a track record of providing software to facilitate online banking and is already profitable. It's currently valued at £16m.

2010年4月28日 星期三



首域高級投資組合經理Renzo Casarotto表示:「軟性商品需求不斷上升,特別是人口增長持續,發展中國家的財富急速上升,對蛋白質食品需要亦趨增,但水及土地供應有限情况下,商品市場會有不少投資機遇。」首域新推出全球農業基金,選股策略集中在經營中上游的農產品企業,其中包括種籽、肥料、農作物保護、設備服務、農業運作、技術及水工業等行業。



近期,市場擔心通脹重臨,Renzo Casarotto表示中上游農企有能力將價格轉給客戶,亦是他看好選股策略以中上游為主的原因。全球農業基金沒有地域限制,容許投資於不同地域及農作物類別,有助減低因氣候導致部分地區農作物失收的風險,Renzo Casarotto選股時也是看企業的農田分佈,即使因天氣變化,令旗下土地不再適合種植,若地區較為分散,亦可以將企業風險分散。
農產品價格回升 器械肥料股受惠




Polo Resources Merge with Caledon Coal, Good Deal?

Polo Resources

coal and uranium investment vehicle

- Polo’s NAV, using Polo’s cash and liquid holdings excluding Caledon, their NAV at current stands at approximately £154m which gives a share price of approx 6.6p

risk involved in their GCM holding which makes up near £36m of their NAV.

- Polo currently has approximately £18m in cash which equates to 0.8p for every Polo share

- planned merger with Australian focused coal producer Caledon Resources. offered 11.4 Polo shares per Caledon share puts the takeover value for Caledon at a price of 61p/£128m.

- Polo in the process of selling their Extract stake, even only got the current worth of their Extract holding of £100m (which is unlikely as with the rights issue price last year having been at $7.75 – 50c above the current share price - it is very unlikely that Dattel’s would sell for below this), this would equate to adding another 4.35p to Polo’s cash worth giving them a total cash worth of 5.15p or 58.71p.

Main issues that Polo has had over the last year or so that has led to continued large discount to NAV is that investors felt there was a lot of uncertainty. For example, the questions that remain were who exactly are Polo, are they an investment company?
What is Dattel’s plans for the company?
What are they going to do with the Extract stake?
Are they still interested in purchasing GCM?
What are the director’s plans for finally bringing value to shareholders via the share price? What are Dattel’s plans for Caledon?
When will Polo start earning some actual cash flow?

And trust me when I say it, there are many more questions that investors asked.

Good for shareholders is now some of these questions are being answered,
first there was news that Polo plan to sell their Extract stake,
plans to list on the TSX, both moves that appeared to be aimed at trying to close the gap between the share price and NAV.
Real motive behind these moves has come to light, and that is the planned merger with Caledon (which answers the question of plans for Caledon).

how the purchase of Caledon is good for Polo’s shareholders?
Well it is simple, it answers the remaining main questions I mentioned above that was holding Polo back, and that is what are Dattel’s plans for the company?
When will they start earning some cash flow?
And how will the management bring value to shareholders?

This move answers all these questions, though has it been done at a good price?

To answer this we need to look at how this move will affect Polo,
to start how much will it cost Polo?

the rate is 2.4bn new polo shares, though as Polo already own 26.1% of Caledon it is actually 1.8bn shares. Thus as Polo already has 2.3bn shares in circulation it means that they valuing the Caledon purchase at 75% of their worth.

Depend on peoples opinion of the coal price, also the management team be able to fully utilise Caledon’s coal assets, which it has to be said have exceptional potential, the current management have not been able to realise this potential.

Caledon’s main assets – 1) Cook mine

measured resource of 86.1mt’s with a total prospective resource total of 406mt.

troubled history since it came into production with the mine continually missing production forecasts, and due to the low coal price, is loss making.

2010 production target of 700,000 tonnes coal, if the plans are a success and the coal price holds steady (or even risers further) then the mine should be profitable again.

2) Minyango is Caledon’s potential coal deposit 倉庫 and has a measured resource of 51.6mt with a total prospective resource of 341.6mt.

potential to be a company maker as current estimates show that the deposit not only has the potential to yield 4.5mtpa, potential to be of an exceptional coal make up and quality, and thus to be a low cost mine, to quote from their website:

‘Coal quality analysis indicates a potential product mix ranging from a low sulphur coking and thermal split to 100% semi-soft coking coal or an unwashed coking coal.’

deposit has the potential to produce excellent quality coal for energy production.

Some notes for investors about the deal

Caledon has £18m in loan note payments coming up this year and Polo has agreed to lend Caledon the money to pay for these. What this means it that when the deal goes through the new company will have near zero loan notes (thus near no debt), but will also have £18m less cash.
As Polo is listed in the UK on Aim, Canada on the TSX and Germany on the Frankfurt exchange, and Caledon is listed in the UK on Aim and Australia on the ASX, it means that combined the new company will be listed on four exchanges.
Though this deal does not really change much about who Caledon are, it makes a big change to Polo, who will no longer predominantly be an investment vehicle, thus the risks to investing in Polo will change substantially.
Annoyingly for Polo investors this deal leads to more questions, for example what are their plans for the GCM stake and the Peabody JV? Also why did they list on the TSX? being listed on a total of four exchanges will not be cheap, so surely it has more of a purpose than just to try to boost Polo’s share price short term?
Enormous amount of shares in circulation for a company of Polo’s size, thus if they do not conduct a share consolidation it could quite easily hold back the new groups share price.


Of course some could argue that Caledon are getting the better deal, as they are basically getting a potential £120m rights issue (more than their value) at a premium to the current share price (which is something that I suspect many can attest very rarely happens), as well as a stake in GCM and even the Peabody JV, and their company substantially de-risked via securing its financial security, all for what has to be said a very good price. But then again some could argue that it is Polo getting the better deal as they could argue that Caledon do not need that much money right now, and in the future if the coal price continues to rise and everything went to plan, then their share price would be higher thus if they did need money in the future it would mean less dilution.

But truth be told both arguments fall a little flat when the benefits to both sets of shareholders of the deal are taken into account. Thus in conclusion this takeover does seem a good fit, as Polo has the money and the excellent management team, whilst Caledon has the assets that need the money for their value to be unlocked. Thus it seems that this takeover truly does have the potential to be of benefit to both Polo and Caledon shareholders if it goes through and for this reason Polo still warrant a place in the value section of ‘Grays Stocks to Watch’. Just a note, if the takeover/merger does go through (there is no guarantee of this yet), the chances are Polo will be removed from the value section of ‘Grays Stocks to Watch’ and placed in the growth or company changing news section as they will emerge a completely different company after the merger.

2010年4月27日 星期二



自然再生林 – 4.05萬公頃
人工林 – 13.1萬公頃 



90% of Wood Age between 18-60, suitable to cut (average 33% in China)
Wood Producing Rate 200sqm/ ha, (average 71 sqm/ha in China)



公司今年2月份與雲南麗江寧蒗縣政府簽訂林地轉讓(4﹒64億元人民幣),收購面積53﹐333公頃 (80萬畝) 主要種植雲南松、冷杉、雲杉及高山松等軟木樹木 (不超過每畝600人民幣/畝),

Wood price +1 = Profit +1.5%
Sale Vol +1% = Profit +1.2%

資本開支約10﹒8億元 for this year。







1)開展有關可持續森林管理、樹苗改良、培育、生長監控及造林運作等的研發工作,計劃與於2010年下半年用1500萬元人民幣成立研發中心 & 樹苗中心;

2) 公司會於今年第三季度前完成上市前承諾,收購180萬畝林地,, 現時尚有100萬畝收購目標尚待完成。每畝收購價不多於600元

3) Simple Business Model – Direct sales to the customer, only work when received the customer order, low stock storage level, and customer need to pay in full before get the wood. don’t even need to pay transport fee

4) the 採伐率 is currently only 1.8% overall, this should raised in the future.


Sustain low price to obtain forest?

Relative new business, massive expansion, can sustain?

The next BRICs.

Goldman have been looking into this, and in typical style have christened them the 'Next Eleven', or 'N-11'. And they are:

Bangladesh: Ranking lowest of the bunch in terms of schooling, telephone and internet access, and GDP per capita, Bangladesh supposedly stands to benefit from a large base of low-cost labour, a large domestic market of 156m people, and a market of nearly 3bn people in the Asian region to which it has access. There are also continuing remittances from overseas Bangladeshis;

Egypt: Moving slowly towards a free and open market, and is investing in infrastructure, as well as benefiting from the Suez Canal and from energy generation on the Nile;

Indonesia: another hugely populous (240m) country, and produces oil and other natural resources. Government finances have been brought under control, and the country managed to rack up a very respectable 4.5% growth during the global recession in 2009;

Iran: An interesting choice and is the world's fourth largest oil producer;

Mexico: As a member of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Mexico's economy is closely linked to that of the United States; while it has had a rough recession, government reforms and investment in infrastructure continue;

Nigeria: Another populous and oil exporting country, Nigeria is the only African country on the list, which must have raised a few eyebrows in South Africa;

Pakistan: The country has shifted from an agricultural to a services-based economy;

Philippines: The country weathered the global recession better than its regional peers, and has a growing business process outsourcing industry;

South Korea: Already a developed economy, South Korea continues to grow, thanks to giant corporations such as Samsung and Hyundai;

Turkey: Although membership of the European Union appears to be a more distant prospect, the country is still a strategically located and relatively developed. It should also benefit as a transport route for oil; and

Vietnam: Mark Mobius reported last week that he regards Vietnam as one of the world's cheapest stock markets, and is finding lots of bargains during his visit there.


For any of these countries, I can think of a list of risks as long as my arm. While some of these look worthy of a particularly long barge-pole, it's worth remembering that you can generally make more money from an investment that goes from being 'dreadful' to just 'bad', than you can from one that goes from being 'bad' to 'good', but it's a very high-risk strategy.

Remember also that being in the next bunch of contenders for economic influence in the world does not necessarily make them good places to invest.

How to invest
If you do decide to go that route, the options for investment in the Next Eleven are fairly limited at the moment. Emerging market unit trust/OEICs, investment trusts and exchange traded funds are almost invariably weighted towards the BRIC economies.

iShares offer a couple of country-specific ETFs in this area that are traded on the London market: iShares MSCI Korea (LSE: IKOR) and iShares MSCI Turkey (LSE: ITKY).
If you have access to the American markets, you can add ETFs such as Market Vectors Egypt, Market Vectors Indonesia, iShares MSCI Mexico Investable, and Market Vectors Vietnam.




April 2010 美資大型基金富達投資卻連番出手增持69.4萬股及551.6萬股,平均每股作價分別為1.99美元及2.01美元(折合15.45及15.58港元),持股量由4.9%或2144萬股,增至最新6.32%或2765萬股,短短兩個交易日淨增持1.42%或621萬股,共涉資逾4500萬元。


招金2009年年度 - 增長約30%至28億,股東應佔溢利更上升41.2%至7.5億元,表現優於市場預期。主要由於實現金價較預期為高,生產成本則較預期為少,








2010 -01










2010年4月26日 星期一


從事通訊技術「無線射頻辨識」(即RFID, Radio Frequency IDentification)的宏霸數碼(0802),以現金加配發新股的方式,總代價1.85億元之巨額,收購一間尚未錄得營業額或純利、股本發行總 額僅100美元(約780元)的內地RFID研究公司。採訪:馬子豪

在宏霸的披露交易聲明中,其所收購的內地RFID研究公司 Strong Aim,已經取得3份有關RFID電話及RFID標籤的訂單,預期該批訂單會提高宏霸2010年度盈利,並將推動宏霸目前現有業務的增長。聲明中 指,Strong Aim自今年起直至昨日公布日期,訂單總額約1.79億元。


聲 明中指,Strong Aim主要從事研發及銷售RFID電話。宏霸指,RFID電話擁有加密、無線傳訊及具備RFID讀寫器等功能,認為該技術具有高商業價值;並稱有意將其所 開發的RFID解決方案,整合至RFID電話。故從此看來,Strong Aim理應可加強宏霸的競爭優勢。

為Strong Aim作出估值的,為專門從事物業估值的威格斯資產評估顧問有限公司。而進行估值時,威格斯僅計及Strong Aim目前3份合同所產生的收入,並無就非經營收入作任何估計。經估算後,Strong Aim的全部權益約為2.638億元。

志 強股本僅百美元

另外,Strong Aim於2008年10月16日註冊成立;生意額方面,在宏霸的聲明中指,在公布日期內尚未錄得任何營業額、稅前或稅後純利以及特別項目;另其發行股本總 額為100美元。而從網上搜尋得來的Strong Aim網頁,公司中文名稱為志強國際,辦事處設於深圳福田區,並自稱為「國內領先的射頻識別(RFID)技術產品及應用系統的供應商」。

對於以 1.85億元收購股本總額為100美元的RFID公司是否值得,立法會資訊科技界議員譚偉豪指,目前RFID技術仍處於投資期,短期內難見回報,故難以評 論是否物有所值。他個人則看好RFID的前景,在中國尤甚,如國家推動「物聯網」、RFID亦有助於打假防偽,故發展潛力巨大。

交易完成後,宏霸 及志強股東Lee Wei Hao即分別持有Strong Aim七成及三成的股權;而另一位股東崔巍及Lee Wei Hao則會分別持有宏霸配發股份後1.37%及4.8%的股權。而陳振聰持股量則由24%,攤薄至22.52%,仍保持第一大股東地位。

OCED VS New Country (Oil Drilling)

The oil majors are now more focussed on opportunities closer to home.

"We are not afraid to be in places like Africa but in the OECD we have less political risk and more predictable tax," said Patrice de Vivies, Total's Northern Europe exploration boss, casting an eye north towards the wisps of smoke drifting from the flame towers of the platforms on the Brent field 30km away.

While companies still eye deals in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and the FSU, there is a broad acceptance that attractive opportunities in these areas will be scarce.

Europe's largest oil company by market value, Royal Dutch Shell Plc has said it plans to direct 60-70% of its investments into the industrialised countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

"We want a certain portion of investment in the OECD ... because we think, long term, we have more political and fiscal stability there," Shell (RDSB) chief executive Peter Voser told a press conference last month.

Previously, big projects in Russia and Nigeria meant the ratio of investment in OECD countries to non-OECD countries was lower, chief financial officer Simon Henry added.

Broad pullback

Spanish oil major Repsol, which in 2006 had gas fields in Bolivia nationalized, has made rebalancing its portfolio towards the OECD a cornerstone of its strategy, prompting new ventures in the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska and Canada, a spokesman said.

Exxon Mobil, which pulled out of Venezuela due to the seizure of its assets there, and which said it would not put any more money into Russia until its rules on foreign investment became clearer, signalled its focus with a $27-billion (£17.5 billion) agreed bid for US gas producer XTO Energy in December.

Chevron said it expects its OECD production to rise.

This has contributed to muted bidding and unawarded licenses at auctions in Venezuela and Algeria in the past four months.

Increased investment and production in the United States and Europe supports the desire of political leaders there to boost security of energy supplies but, for the companies, the motivation is entirely economic.

"There's little benefit in over-committing to resource-rich countries if the value proposition does not stack up to other options in your portfolio," said Iain Brown, upstream vice-president at consultants Wood Mackenzie in Edinburgh.

The much-drilled OECD is attractive despite the fact that discovery sizes are typically smaller and costs higher.

Production costs in non-OECD countries are much lower but taxes and royalties are high and production sharing agreements often give the host government the lion's share of profits.

Talisman Energy said last year that finding and development (F&D) costs were $34 per barrel of oil equivalent (boe) in North America and $39/boe in the North Sea.

By contrast, TNK-BP, the Russian oil producer, half-owned by London-based BP (BP-), said last year it had F&D costs of under $4/boe and analysts put F&D costs in Saudi Arabia at $1-2/boe.

But some non-OECD countries, including Saudi Arabia, reserve their oil fields for their state oil companies and the others demand tough terms -- Russia levies taxes of 90% on profits above $30/barrel oil.

There are also costs attached to non-OECD political unrest: in Nigeria, civil violence has shut down a third of production.

The willingness of Western oil companies to forgo opportunities rather than agree to unprofitable fiscal demands has helped Chinese state-owned oil companies to expand.

Beijing has charged its companies with securing energy sources for China's fast-growing economy and is not so concerned about high political risk and poor economic terms.

Technology helps

A five-minute helicopter ride south of Alwyn, in calm, Norwegian waters, a drilling rig, distinguishable from the crowded production platforms by its flat deck, dominated by a lone drilling derrick, sits above the Hild field.

Hild was found 30 years ago but only now, thanks to modern seismic surveys, can the complex structure be developed.

Indeed, new technology has underpinned the shift to OECD reserves.

New methods for freeing natural gas from low-permeability shale rock have led to a surge in US gas output, cutting US reliance on imports.

Exxon's bid for XTO, a big player in shale gas, is about giving the world's largest non-government controlled oil company by market value a leading position in shale gas.

Similarly, new ways to extract natural gas from coal seams has attracted billions of dollars of investment into Australia and led to the rare sight of onshore rigs drilling in Europe.

Better seismic techniques and platform design has facilitated more exploration in the deep water of the Gulf of Mexico - resulting in multi-billion barrel finds such as BP's Tiber and Kaskida fields - and in the North Sea.

The oil majors' retreat to the OECD is not unprecedented. When Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait and Iran threw them out in the 1970s, the companies regrouped in the North Sea and Alaska.

Similarly, analysts expect that, if non-OECD resource-holders start to offer more generous and numerous opportunities, Western oil executives will quickly return.

Nodding amidst the loud hum of the Alwyn rig's gas processing machinery, Total's de Vivies agrees.

"We are not trying to reduce our presence in non-OECD. It is simply that the OECD is where the opportunities are now."

Trust the leadership?

Trust isn't implied in the numbers of a company. In fact, untrustworthiness can be hidden in those numbers, as anyone who bothers to read the revealing notes to the company accounts will know.

Company reports are one of the more obvious place to look for dodginess. We've written about it here and over here. Nevertheless, you won't always find dishonesty in reports and, if you don't, that doesn't mean you can trust the leadership. We need to consider what other signs there are and add them together.

Positive signals

That said, the opening pages of a report might give us some tips. Typically, these pages are reserved for the highlights, with all the negative stuff buried after the numbers and towards the end of the document. If a company is being forthright on everything that it's done well and badly, this is a potential sign of trust.

Some companies go to greater lengths than most to give you information, perhaps by supplying you with a lot more detail than they are legally required to do. This is another positive signal.
Occasionally there is a report into how trustworthy a company is from the shareholders' point of view, such as Forbes' 100 Most Trustworthy Companies list, which looks for transparent and conservative accounting, and prudent management. The researchers for this report sometimes find what they wouldn't want to see in companies on the list, and note the potential problems at Lehman and AIG as early as 2005, for example.

How the company treats its customers

You can also look to the customer-facing operations of the business such as sales and marketing.
Take the marketing problems of the probiotic yoghurt industry. According to the BBC, Europe tightened up on medical claims in marketing and, after conducting tests on almost 200 claims of the positive effects of the bacteria within these yoghurts, it rejected them all for being either wrong or lacking in evidence.

Danone and Yakult are responding with new or more tightly worded claims and perhaps they'll have enough evidence to support them this time, yet I think this case shows that investors should be asking whether a business is deceiving its customers, intentionally or otherwise. If health claims collapse and customers dissipate, so will forecast earnings.

Similarly, there is sales. The finance industry is an easy and obvious example, as it is constantly inventing expensive products of dubious benefit, and its sales practices are often criticised. A backlash could harm shareholders.

Where not to look

If you're anything like me, you could end up finding suspicious and dubious practices everywhere you look and that will leave us nothing to invest in. We need to know which suspicions to dismiss.
Dubious PR statements and legal responses might be such misleadingly negative signals. PR teams will always look to present things as favourably as possible regardless of the truth, and it may well be that the PR response is developed externally. Hence, we should probably give dubious PR positions less weight.

Legal responses are similar. Lawyers are trained to give a one-sided response, so, if there is an issue, e.g. with volcanic-ash clouds, airlines, and calls for all delayed travellers' expenses to be repaid, lawyers will say 'We don't interpret the law like that,' probing what the boundaries of the law are.

Provided they know if and when to back down, like Ryanair (LSE: RYA) swiftly did last week, what they have tried to do has possibly been in the shareholders' interests.

It's Bolton again

Previously I wrote about Anthony Bolton's book, Investing Against the Tide, so it's kind of sticking in my head at the moment. I barely had space to touch on trust in my book review, but it was a big deal for Bolton. 30 years of experience running money taught him this:

"In my early years of managing money I might have bought shares in a company where I liked the franchise but maybe had some doubts about the management integrity. But not any longer...Despite the protection offered by outside directors and independent accountants, if a management really wants to mislead investors it has plenty of scope to do so and can get away with it for many years. Even if the management appears very competent, if they are not open then this is a significant disadvantage."

We can choose to take a chance on trust and stick with more standard criteria, but that will definitely lead to some blowouts and underperformers in our investing lifetime.

Alternatively, we can add criteria to our checklist that attempt to suss out the management's integrity. If our gut tells us there's something not right, we can look to other companies to invest in.

2010年4月25日 星期日

兗煤 Analysis


2009 銷售成本 compare to成本總額 os good (-3% more)





其中,已簽訂合同1,001萬噸,平均含稅基準價比2009年度上漲17.6% (578.26 RMB/Tn)




其中:已簽訂4-6 月份煤炭銷售合同192 萬噸,平均合同價格為130.96美元/ 噸。



2009 Main firm Production and price

精煤小計 12,175 724.30

經篩選原煤 17,100 410.91

混煤及其他 4,055 235.01

公司合計 33,330 503.98

山西能化 986 288.90

兗煤澳洲 1,627 668.21

外購煤 2,058 540.65

本集團總計 38,017 507.41

煤炭銷售情況 -華東地區 (72%) of china sale (same in 2008)

but 華南地區 and華北地區 sales vol drop – (-65%) and (-35%)

煤化工業務 - 甲醇

2010 - 延續供大於求的局面,價格難有回升。國內新建產能釋放,國外低成本優質甲醇進口增加,將進一步增加國內甲醇供應量。




本集團2010 年甲醇銷售計劃61 萬噸,其中榆林能化55萬噸,山西能化6萬噸。



額(客戶承擔礦區專用鐵路資產運費的貨物運量實現的收入)2.584億元,同比增加11,244 千元或4.5%;鐵路運輸業務成本為2.440 億元,同比增加8,357 千元或3.5%


發電量 - 120000萬千瓦時

Low profit margin -銷售淨額 423151000成本 378600000


2009年華聚能源(new acquisition) 生產熱力117萬蒸噸,銷售熱力117萬蒸噸。其中對外銷售熱力14萬蒸噸,實現銷售淨額13,268千元,銷售成本為7,364千元。


計算基礎為:公司股東應佔股東權益為291.518 億元,總借貸為225.098億元。




預計2010 年本集團資本性支出為40.852 億元,資金來源主要是本集團的自有資金。(mainly兗煤澳洲 20.8 million)

2009 – 20.856


Risk 面臨

宏觀經濟波動 - 受經濟環境、國家宏觀調控政策、煤炭供需以及運力的影響,市場價格波動很大。




煤炭企業重組整合形成大型煤業集團,電力企業大量非煤行業企業,開始從事煤炭開採, 使同質化競爭更加激烈


假設成本按20年攤分,美林估計2010/11年各攤分9億人民幣,估 計每噸成本即分別上升9%/7%。此外,隨著預期息率上升,因收購借款利息開支,今明兩年可能由091.92億人民幣,大升至4.74/6.31億人民 幣



實現莫拉本(Aus) 露天礦井投產;(計劃於2010 5月投入運營,該煤礦商品煤生產規模預計可達1000萬噸╱年)



加快推進陝西榆樹灣煤礦公司設立,儘快投入商業運營。(this year possibly)

繼續尋求新的項目收購機會。做好兗煤澳洲上市準備工作 (計畫於後年),推進菲利克斯和澳思達煤礦資產整合;抓住煤炭資源整合機遇,




2010 (01-03) 因煤價升幅部份被澳洲Felix產量減少所抵銷,但受動力煤及焦煤漲價支持,預期盈利 增長勢頭持續,評級維持「跑贏大市」,目標價由21.5元上調至22.5元。


秦皇島熱煤價 每噸上調2%97美元,


Rough Est Sales 2010

Coal 25542075 (4355 tonne+15% of 2009 sale price)
Train 275000 (+10%)
Coal Chem 780000 (600000 tonne x same sale price in 2009m – 1300)
Elect 185000 (same from last yr)
Ground heat 13500 (+5%)

Total 26795575
Pre-tax profit (25%, average =30.43 for past 6 years, but the interest rate in the aus purchase could hamper the profit)

Shareholder funds = 4700000 (70%)

2010 Est
每股盈利= 1.00 HKG
P/E = 18.1

2010 一至三月(首季)純利達二十一億元, 按年升一點九倍,預期今年上半年純利增長逾一倍

今年首季銷售量 +31.1% 1039 萬噸,價格上漲 17.41% (from 508RMB)。

2010年4月24日 星期六









2009 -6與九家連鎖超市訂有供應合約


公司客戶 - 43.2%
超市 - 33.3%
鮮果批發商 - 22.3%


1) 廣西合浦果園 46,000 畝 (平 均 樹 齡 9.8n yrs)
2) 江西信豐果園 56,000 畝 (平 均 樹 齡 3.8n yrs)
3)湖南省道縣發展53﹐000畝的種植場 (已於2008年展開) and 苗圃中心, 未來四年繼續投資 (5billion RMB in next 3 yrs),第一批橙樹苗預期於二零一零年底種植,於2013 年之前在該植場種植約2,400,000株橙樹, 第一批橙樹苗第一次收穫時間預期為2014年。

* 種植場均位於陽 光 充 沛 、雨 水 充 足 及 無 霜 期 長 的 地 區, 今 未 曾 遇 上 異 常 強 勁 的 暴 風 雨 或 類 似 的 惡 劣 天 氣

09年底集團經營3個種植園總面積103平方公里,其中種植的橙樹共290萬株,當中230萬株處於產橙樹齡,截止09年底6個月內產量11.45萬噸,料10 年底前產橙樹將增多40萬株。

江西省信豐 - 農產品批發市場及鮮橙加工中心,此項目包括將出售予當地生產商的約650個零售單位650個零售單位,第一期238個已於 2008年6月止年度竣工。當地生產商可利用市場門面銷售其自身的農產信丰批发市场和加工中心二期扩建工程被推迟 in 2009 -03

鮮橙產商可在此銷售及加工鮮橙,亦可作為集團收集並交換市場資料的場所,發展信豐發展項 目並非集團的主要業務。無意將物業發展作為集團的主要業務。

苗圃中心 - 在合浦種植場。透過集團自有苗圃種植樹苗代替採購或外包,實現質量控制以確保樹苗健康成長,並為集團提供額外收入來源。(用於合浦重新種植),集團將多餘樹苗銷售予當地農民。


目 前 , 集 團 農 產 品 的 定 價介 乎 較低 廉 的 本 地 鮮 橙 品 種 與 較 昂 貴 的 進 口 品 牌 之 間 。 因 勞 工 成 本 、 運 輸成 本 及 稅 項 方 面 的 差 異 , 中 國 境 外 鮮 橙 生 產 商 的 成 本 一 般 高 於 集 團 。

- 湖南種植場


集團建立集團自有品牌 - 中國註冊2005 register 「新雅奇」品牌, 2005年在超市出售「新雅奇」牌鮮橙

2005 並未同時註冊「Royal Star」名稱,原因為鮮橙僅在中國市場銷售。考慮到上市及公司今後的發展,董事認為,同時將「Royal Star」註冊為集團的商標較為適宜,故公司已於2009-2 向中國遞交有關申請。建立自有品牌「Royal Star 新雅奇」,以印有集團標識的包裝盒銷售鮮橙,增加在消費者中的知名度。



1)增加對超市的銷售及將銷售網絡拓展至中國新城市 - 提高盈利能力

超市對鮮橙設有要求(分級及加工), 集團透過向超市(相比其他客戶)銷售較高的價格 (每噸高出20%至40%)。

集團一直增加對連鎖超市的銷售比例 - 側重於廣東、江西及江蘇省等地區的超市

集團以中小型連鎖超市為銷售對象,因為相信在確定大型超市為銷售對象之前向該等超市推出及建立集團的 鮮橙品牌通常較為容易。





農 業 部 於 2004 估 計 預 測 於2015 and 2030 ,每 人消 耗 柑 橘 量 將 分 別 達 到 1 1 . 7 千 克 及 1 6 千 克 (from 9 in 2004)。(% increase per year

由於產橙樹數目增加 & 現有橙樹日趨成熟 - 每株橙樹的產橙量增加,種植場的產量會繼續增長

合浦種植場重新種植 - 側重於以產量更高的夏橙樹代替現有冬橙樹,透過改良樹種的平均產量及每噸可實現收入。

主要增長動力 - 信豐植場的規模生產,該種植場已種植1,600,000株橙樹,2009-06 約 27,665噸,增加約173.4%。

研發團隊 - 研究及開發新的高產橙樹品種,增加集團的鮮橙產量。

向第三方採購鮮橙 - 減少資本密集的增長, 分散集團 的種植風險。透過與農戶訂立採購,根據樹苗供應協議,農戶將給予集團優先購買權,購買先前由集團銷售予農戶的樹苗所產的鮮橙。


已訂立20份樹苗供應協議,銷售超過200,000株樹苗。成熟樹苗所產鮮橙權歸農戶所有, 集團將擁有優先購買權,以按相等於當時市場批發價的價格向農戶購買該等鮮橙。並無責任向農戶購買。規定集團須向採購農戶提供專業技 術,以確保樹苗成熟時所產鮮橙的質量。


獲認可的品牌, 憑藉已建立的 全國性品牌,相信集團將處於更強地位與擁有全球品牌進口商競爭並相應地調整其定價結構。亦有助於集團實施擴大對連鎖超市 及大型零售商銷售的策略。


Positive -

1) 信 豐 種 植 場 目 前 已 全 部 種 植 1600000 株橙 樹, 預 期 全 部 將 於 二 零 一 一 年 結 果 貢 獻 更 多 產 量 。 將 進 一 步 改 善 整 體 鮮 橙 供 應 / 合 浦 種 植 場 現 推 出 重 新 種 植 計 劃 , 把 對 抗 疾 病 能 力 較 強 及 產 量 較 高 的 新 品 種 夏 橙 樹 代 替 現 有 的 冬 橙 樹 。

2) 美 國 鮮 橙 品 種 集 團 的 農 產 品 質 量 高 於 國 內 生 產 的 大 多 數 鮮 橙 , 此 將 有 助 集 團 保 持 較 高 價 格 並 受 惠 於 需 求 上 升

3) 准 入 門 檻 高 - 新 入 行 者 需 擁 有 適 合 的 大 片 土 地 , 當 中 涉 及 與 多 個 當 地 政 府 機關 及 租 戶 進 行 長 時 間 磋 商 , 此 外 , 開 發 種 植 場 是 一 個 漫 長 及昂 貴的 過 程 。 最 後 , 栽 種 橙 樹 幼 苗 後 , 至 少 另 需 四 年 才能 開 始 以 商 業 規 模 生 產 適 合 銷 售 的 鮮 橙 。(橙 樹 的 平 均 生 產 壽 命 由 四 年 後 起 計 維 持 至 超 過 30 年 。 鮮 橙 產 量 由 增 長 至 成 熟 約 需 10 年)

4) 集 團 成 本 較 低 (including import tax, labour cost for hand picking orange, shipping distance from other orange produce country), 成 為 特 有 的 競 爭 優 勢, 使 其 勝過 鮮 橙 進 口 商

5) 2010 收購位於中國佔地約一萬畝且擁有約110萬棵柑橘類果樹及配套設施的柑橘類水果種植園(State Owned)。其位於中國廣西壯族自治區富川縣,佔地約1萬畝 (potential profit increase in 2010)


Share dilution - new purchase of new field, although productive, still run a risk

2) 合浦改種 - 策略所涉及之橙樹同於每年樹之5% ,於07年改種之第一批55,185
顆樹將於10 年結果。於本年初,242,000顆冬橙樹仍將於未來四年內改種

3) significant raised in cost for frezitle and pet killer (10% raised)higher costs associated with the organic farming and wage inflation in the,

4) Drop in net profit rate (cost of the new farm)

5) Future raised in labour cost, and tax rate changes


2010 3-31


这一毗邻创智坊的地块,被视为瑞安房地产完善创智天地整体规划的重要举措,意味着其 在发展大型多期综合房地产项目业务模式上日益成熟。


统计数据显示,今年2月新天地板块涨幅为13%。租金回报上,2月租金与1月持平。板块内明星楼盘翠湖天地嘉苑被视作豪宅市场领跑者,该项目收官房源将 在近几个月推出。不同于翠湖天地过往推出的产品,此次面市的产品将全面升级,在套型设计、景观、装修标准及配套上,都更符合高端住宅需求。

2010年4月23日 星期五

Antrim Energy - Hist and Analysis ( April 2010 )

Antrim Energy

listed on Aim and the TSX in July 2003 at a price of UK 40p and CAN $0.85, at the time they actually had a large number of interests in a number of prospects from all over the world from Argentina to the Czech Republic to the North Sea and to as far away as Australia, New Zealand and Tunisia.

Only assets that were in production (producing at a rate of just under 500boepd). It was a very risky prospect, but they made this very obvious as they stated themselves about the company and its prospects

Antrim to change their focus to the North Sea where they had been acquiring a number of licences and over 2005

the credit crunch did to Antrim is

1) their assets were no longer as attractive as they once were with the oil price being so low
2) The capital markets dried up thus the massive financing that they needed to bring their fields to production was no longer available.

This scenario brings an old investor saying to mind, and that is ‘it’s better to have £10m cash in your hands then £100m in the ground’,

The new beginning

Antrim’s main assets

Argentina ( currently producing close to 1,800boepd)
But - due to a number of restrictions which include pricing these assets are never going to produce any significant profits.

Fyne and Causeway

Their new investor presentation they highlight how Fyne:

· has proven 2p reserve of over 16mmbbo,
· the Greater Fyne area has the potential to hold near 150mmbbls net to Antrim,
· production could commence in mid 2012,
· Fyne potential to produce near 15,000bopd net to Antrim at its peak.


· farmout deal with Valiant see all costs being covered to production (capped at $22.75m),
· will come online in 2011 and should yield a net production of between 2,000-2,500 bopd.

Other key points from their new presentation are:

· They have $31m in cash with no debt,
· They have net 2p reserves of 37mmbbls,
· They aim to ‘Secure growth without debt’.

The last point from above is a very interesting point to make as pre-crash their plans were to bring all their assets online through debt and rights issues, but now they plan to secure it without debt, and better still through farmouts.

It has to be said this has to be good for shareholders as considering their history of mass rights issues (this is the longest time they have ever gone without a rights issue since listing – near two years) and other financing deals, it will be nice to know that finally management may actually create some shareholder value without then destroying it via a discounted rights issue or financing deal of some sort.

Just to note there are some interesting exclusions from this new presentation that were in the last,

1) no longer show a projected economic model of the fields (i.e. possible earnings),
2) show a future production graph showing what their yearly production targets are for the next 5 years or so,
3) any real idea of the likely capex for Fyne (though there are a few minor hints).

It has to be said it is surprising to see these items excluded as you would think that these would be one of the biggest selling points of the company.


Antrim now are a very different company to what they once were, and though there are many disgruntled shareholders about lamenting the company, it is hard to deny that Antrim look a good company right now as

1) strong balance sheet with $31m in cash and no debt,
2) net 2p proven reserves of 37mmbbls,
3) Causeway fully funded to production which is expected in 2011 when they should start earning some substantial cash flow,
4) Fyne commercial discussions progressing with production targeted for mid 2012.

if all goes well they could be producing 15,000 bopd by 2012 (a low estimation assuming that they have farmed out half their interest in Fyne)

and it becomes hard to deny that they look good value at market cap of £90m, so what is holding them back?

1) disgruntled shareholders mentioned before had a reason to be disgruntled

2) Antrim’s downfall from grace started a year before the credit crunch and actually saw them fall over a period where oil went on its greatest ever bull run

3) Causeway deal which many felt was not great has not helped sentiment.

Nevertheless Antrim do appear a changed company with a renewed focus on shareholder value, and though management will need to prove themselves over time

亞洲果業 - Good or bad 配股交易?

亞洲果業(00073)9509萬股配股交易(其中有6800萬股以先舊後新方式出售,另配售2700萬股現有股份),每股造5﹒7元 (47.82p),集資淨額3﹒77億 (£31m)


集團指,認購事項主要擬用作收購位於中國佔地約一萬畝且擁有約110萬棵柑橘類果樹及配套設施的柑橘類水果種植園(State Owned)。其位於中國廣西壯族自治區富川縣,佔地約1萬畝


The Good

The money will allow them to progress with the planned purchase which could see them increase turnover by near 50% (an estimation using the Hepu plantation which is of a similar size),

The free float will be larger which should help liquidity and thus make the stock more attractive to investors

The top two shareholders which at current have a combined shareholding of approx 63% (Markets Ahead Investment 34.58%, Huge Investments 28.24%) will see their combined holdings fall to less than 55% appeasing fears over their influence on the company.

The bad

The one bad thing about this deal is the actual placing price is at a 10% discount to the current Hong Kong price, and if you take into consideration that the Hong Kong price has never been below HK$6’s, then the placing price of HK$5.70 does seem a little cheap.

Obviously the approaching dilution is not great, but then again it is only a small amount.


In reality and 10% is not really that bad. the benefits that this share sale and rights issue are likely to bring appear to well outweigh the slight downside. Plus if you look at the downside again it is not really that bad as Huge Markets are actually selling their own shares at the placing price so they are not benefitting at shareholders expense from the deal. Also the dilution is only small at less that 10% and what investors are likely to get for this dilution should create more value then it takes.

So to conclude this deal looks a smart move by the management (something that by the reaction of the share price - i.e. of not falling to the rights issue price which is normally the case when there is a discounted rights issue - the markets agree) and has the potential to instantly boost income and hopefully profits with little dilution, and no debt which has to be good for shareholders.

Ben Graham's Fag Packet

Quickly sort through numerous investing possibilities.

A share gets tipped somewhere or other, it rises quickly, you sell it and move on -- and the investing game is all too easy. But it isn't usually like this and blindly following the advice of tipsters is a probable route to failure unless you're simply lucky.

What to do?

So what can you do about it?

Personally, I run a ten-minute "back of a fag packet" test on every company I have on my list to review. If the potential investment doesn't successfully jump this first hurdle, I discard it; simple as that.

What this means in practice is that I miss a lot of shares that go on to greatness as the exciting growth story proves to be real. After all, such a test is scant at best. So be it. For every one of these, there are several others which crash and burn lacking, as they do, in basic value.
Ben Graham's approach

The fag packet test I run is loosely based on legendary investor Ben Graham's formula.
Graham's approach is based on the principle that markets get valuations wrong, saying: "In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run, it is a weighing machine". Hear, hear. When the actual (market) price of a company is below what you would expect it to be, you have the opportunity to buy with a decent safety margin.

Graham's suggested method of calculating value takes a company's last 12-month earnings per share and multiplying it with 8.5 -- the appropriate price-to-earnings ratio for a non-growth company in his opinion.

Then you add 2g -- 'g' represents your best estimate of the annual rate earnings will grow over the long term (say, the next five years).

Finally, multiply the lot by 4.4 -- the average yield of high-grade corporate bonds in 1962, when this particular model was introduced -- and divide by Y -- the current yield on AAA-rated corporate bonds.

The answer should then be divided by its current price -- less than one indicates an overvalued stock which should not be bought, whilst a number greater than one indicates an undervalued stock.


Graham later refined his ideas into ten criteria for selecting a portfolio:

earnings yield at least twice the AAA bond yield;

price/earnings ratio below 40% of the highest P/E ratio the stock had over the previous five years;

dividend yield of at least two-thirds the AAA bond yield;

share price below two-thirds of tangible book value per share;

share price below two-thirds of net current asset value per share;

total debt less than tangible book value;

current ratio greater than two;

total debt less than twice net current asset value;

earnings growth over the previous ten years of at least 7% per annum; and

a maximum of two annual earnings falls of 5% or more over the previous ten years.
The fag packet approach

Personally, I look at current assets (stocks, short term debtors and cash) and subtract all liabilities (short and long term creditors).

I also look at yield, overall net tangible asset value and my best guesstimate of future earnings before arriving at my estimation of a company's likely value.

I do this sum (which admittedly involves too much of a subjective judgement for many investors' tastes) in ignorance of the actual market capitalisation.

Anything which is over the real market cap warrants further detailed investigation. But the vast majority don't get over this first basic hurdle and are summarily dispensed with. At least that's the theory. The practice is rather different, but that's another story...

It's amazing how many companies DO pass this test when markets are gloomy and bearish sentiment prevails -- and vice-versa. Running such ten-minute analyses last Spring was like shooting fish in a barrel. At the moment, the barrel is half-full, but there are already significantly more opportunities than a few short weeks ago.

More from David Holding:

2010年4月21日 星期三

福山 (639)

福山 (639)


2008年中以105.3億元 收購位於山西省柳林縣之3個煤礦,興無煤礦、金家莊煤礦及寨崖底煤礦,



主要業務為開採位於Koolan Island 及Tallering Peak的赤鐵礦石礦床,
以及開發位於西澳洲(包括Koolan Island、Tallering Peak 及Extension Hill )的赤鐵礦石礦床。




瀚宇博德(0667) Analysis

1) 全球最大手提電腦印刷電路板(PCB)供應商 (70% rev)。


2) 提供電子消費品及通訊行業用於製造遊戲機、機頂盒、伺服器及移動電話之印刷電路板。(30% rev)


目前在两岸 PCB 月产能约 570 万平方呎,其中江阴 535 万平方呎,另外还有高密度连接板 30 万平方呎


基於PCB廠「大者恆大」趨勢,瀚宇博德公開為瀚宇博尋求策略聯盟,瀚宇博德表示 包括歐洲、美國、日本及台灣、大陸的PCB同業已有近十家表達合作意願。



1)正在建造的江陰新廠設計産能爲月産能150萬平方英尺,預計2010年第三季度投産,月最大產能將達150萬平方英尺 – (届時産能將擴大29%) 有望繼續强化成本優勢,擴大市場佔有率。
全部投产后,两岸月产能达 750 万平方呎

2) Windows 7的推出,電腦行業預測筆記本電腦將有升級潮



5) 瀚宇博德公司 current NB 板營收比重約7 成,客戶大多為國內代工廠商, 伴隨精成(see below)的加入,將新增三星等韓系大廠訂單,也順勢擴展其它客戶群;受惠雙方應用領域的互補性,預估瀚宇博德將跨入記憶體模組板、硬碟板、汽車板等應用.更貼近華南地區客戶,更具產能、供貨、採購優勢)

6)在大陸環保政策趨嚴下,瀚宇博德強調,PCB廠在大陸取得廢水、土地等執照將更形嚴峻,不但無法擴充規模,甚至還面臨遷廠的窘境,瀚宇博德擁有江陰市政府的全力支持. The merger with 台灣精星also 解決產能過於集中與廢水排放額度受限等約束.

7) Potential 台灣精星 45% shared to be put in the company? (which potentially means extra 200萬平方英尺 extra per month (based on the 40% it owns)


1)2009存貨週轉率增加2天至34天,應收賬周轉天數增15天至132天,應付賬款周轉天減少9天至79天…… need to be aware whether this is continue to increase

2) 瀚宇博德擁有江陰市政府的全力支持…… (for how long? )

3) 原材料成本大幅上揚

4) . 集團負債率53%,財務趨健康??

5) too focus on 電腦印刷電路板…… (need to expend on more different PCB Board)

6) 2009 factory 利用率保持在95-96%。该公司估计2010年第一季度如果尽80-90%的能力,其收入将降低10%

Mother company acquired 精成 PCB company

(2010, 最低付出的金额将在45.8亿元NTD)


精星 主要從事代工生产国内外知名大厂产品 (專業電子製造服務(EMS)),涵盖信息、通讯、汽车、消费性电子等产业,

PCB(印刷電路板)與PCBA(印刷電路板後段加工)的專業製造商 (營收比重佔33%、67%)

精星營運自07 年起大幅衰退,由於先後遭逢大客戶M-system 被併、金融風暴等影響,

PC 為輔約33%,

PCB 電路板月產能約550~600 萬SF (平方呎)75%廠房集中於華南地區。



瀚宇博將躍升為Taiwan第二大PCB 廠,公司產值將僅次於欣興電子(3037)。

But未來PCBA產線的規劃,精成科主要營運與獲利重心在於PCBA (67% revenue) ,此部分成本需連工帶料計算,故淨利率偏低,獲利關鍵在於長期訂單的穩定性、高規格化產品、生產線高嫁動率,然受制總體環璄與客戶結構變化,精誠科此部分競爭優勢也日漸勢微。

雖然PCBA上下游連續性作業可望增加客戶黏著度,但考量精成科此部分客戶群並非瀚宇博德所熟悉地筆記型電腦 (NB)業者,故PCBA 產能的何處何從將是瀚宇博德未來首要面對的問題。












2010年4月20日 星期二





營業額11億元 (下跌31%),
全年純利1.58 億元(增長14%)


2) 上市投資,由去年虧損千萬,轉為今年賺約6608 萬元,
3) 呆壞帳撥備則由去年5307 萬減至今年的1074 萬元。


原因 - 09下半年集團上中下游垂直整合成功,集團開始生產LED的芯片,自產的芯片比進口芯片節省了製造成本約25%至40%。



1) LED方面沒有得到充足的定單。白熾燈產品營業額持續下跌,LED產品營業額卻上升不了。主要有兩個原因,


Good Point


美國及歐洲 recover, 今年集團如無意外保持增長(from 公司管理層), but 管理層亦表示了增長後的營業額仍不及08年高峰時期的水平。

估計真明麗2010盈利最多增長30%,以昨天收市價計 ($5.1),2010年市盈率20倍。

2010年4月19日 星期一



1) 罐頭材料馬口鐵業務 (Revenue 91.2%, Profit 69.4%)
中山中粵馬口鐵工業有限公司(「中粵馬口鐵」)為本公司之全資附屬公司,而本公司持有中粵浦項(秦皇島)馬口鐵工業有限公司(「中粵浦項」)的66%權益,國際知名鋼鐵企業株式會社POSCO(「POSCO」)佔 34%。

2) 鮮活食品業務 (整體輸港活豬市場佔有率於40%)

3) 物業發展及租賃



2009 整體輸港活豬市場佔有率繼續維持於40%以上,帶來穩定盈利貢獻。

2010 中粤馬口鐵的基板廠技術改造項目,以提升基板的品質和産品的附加值,馬口鐵生産綫的提速改造,以提高馬口鐵的産能。

*原材料採購價格及馬口鐵產品銷量及售價均於2009年初大幅回落. 隨着下游客戶陸續補充存貨,馬口鐵產品銷售 begin 恢復至正常水平。2009 集團馬口鐵業務的經營溢利取得大幅增長。經濟回暖,消費需求有望逐步增加,馬口鐵及下游食品業需求料保持一定增長.



原材料價格大幅 up ,國際鋼材市場需求 strong (Iron ore +90% in 2010), how would it effect the 馬口鐵產品?

Would the 提速改造 effect the productivity?

What is the 聯營公司 - 黃龍食品 玉米澱粉銷量(噸) prediction in 2010?

銘源 (0233)

銘源 (0233)


1) 銘源在2010年1月與國家藥監局 - 中檢所簽署具技術轉讓協議,轉讓名為「無細胞短棒狀桿菌製劑」(「NCPP」)的新型非特異性免疫治療藥物一切知識產權連同其生產技術,



2) 早前世界衛生組織的全球HPV實驗室網絡公布了HPV DNA檢測能力研究,評估了全球實驗室常用HPV DNA檢測及定型產品的敏感度及特異性,結果顯示僅三種HPV DNA產品達到100%符合率銘源銘源研究及開發的HPV DNA檢測子宮頸癌診斷試劑,擁有專為檢測子宮頸癌而設的SNIPER(TM)專利技術,產品在全國銷售。

3)公司於2010年成功開發的多腫瘤標誌物檢測的蛋白芯片系統 (C12產品),適用於肝癌、胃癌、肺癌、胰腺癌、結腸癌、卵巢癌、前列腺癌、食道癌、子宮內膜癌等常見惡性腫測試診斷。公司與中國人籌、太平人壽及中保康聯等保險公司訂立協議,在標準健康檢查使用C12產品。

4) C12產品列入上海市醫療服務項目和價格表「上海醫保目錄」,作為可報銷臨床檢測

福山能源 (639)









1) 下游需求持續復甦,相信中國的鋼鐵產量將依然強勁,

2) 中國的焦煤供應將會因山西及河北省的煤礦整合而仍然偏緊。預期中國的焦煤價格在未來數月將會繼續攀升,而公司在3月份的原煤價格已較2009年的平均水平高逾20%





《國浩資本業務發展經理 張文強》

Systematic money management techniques

Those who do not practice these techniques suffer the consequences when market movements are extreme.

Money management in this context does not refer to making sure that surplus cash in a broking account gets the best rate of interest possible. It is rather the process of applying techniques that mean that no undue risks are run.

Probably the first rule, which sounds obvious, is to remember that losing money is painful and the more you lose, the harder it is to make back. Say you have £1000 to invest, if you lose 10% in an investment, this takes your balance down to £900. But in a subsequent investment you would need to make 11% to recoup the loss.

Lose 20% and you need gain 25% to get back to your original amount. Lose 50% and you need to double your money in a subsequent investment to recover your loss.

This argues strongly, not only for spreading risk, which I will come to later, but also for having the discipline to cut losses according to a systematic formula. This might be to sell automatically if an investment loses more than, say, 12% of its value, or to sell a profitable investment if it drops more than 15% from a recent all-time high. It depends on the type of investment and the circumstances.

But having a 'decision rule' like this helps take the emotion out of the action of selling a loss maker. Emotion is present because by implication selling a loss-maker means admitting to yourself that you made a mistake. For longer term investors, simply having the mental discipline to apply a rule this should be enough. For short term traders, using stop-losses should be an essential part of trading.

One other discipline is to know how much you can comfortably afford to lose on a single transaction and not to put more than that at risk. How you apply this depends on the type of investor you are.

A short-term trader, buying and selling volatile types of investments, like currencies or commodities, for example, might suggest not risking more than 1-2% of capital on a single trade.
For longer term investors, it comes down to knowing what your 'pain barrier' is, and sticking to it - bearing in mind that a profit warning or sudden announcement of financial difficulty can produce an instant sharp drop in price.

Taking losses without emotion is easier if you have adequate capital to begin with. This sounds trite, but it is a fact. If you are concerned about what might happen to your broader finances if an investment goes bad, then your money probably shouldn't be invested in anything that might prove unduly volatile.

Averaging down, adding to a holding in an individual share that has fallen in price, is a common error. Investors reason that if the shares they originally bought has gone down significantly, then it must be even cheaper than they thought.

The correct reason is that to buy more under these circumstances is to compound a mistake, and to put more money into a share that has already not acted in the way you expected.

Though it is counter-intuitive, the better strategy is to add to a share that has risen in price, not the other way around.

The danger with this, however, is that the share in question may have reached its correct value, and that to buy more is simply increasing your exposure to it, and therefore increasing your risk for a lower potential return.

Most investors feel intuitively more comfortable with a technique know as 'scaling out', which is selling part of a holding that has appreciated substantially in order to recoup a large part of the original book cost and leave the investment, as the phrase goes, 'in for nothing'.

Clearly this can only be done with a share that has risen very sharply and is usually only appropriate in smaller companies that have shot up for no apparent reason.

Techniques like this have helped make investment decisions over a period of more than nearly three decades as an active investor on my own account. Any scary moments or significant losses I have incurred have generally been when I have chosen to ignore them.

It is also important to adapt the techniques you use to the underlying market environment. One advantage private investors have over most so-called 'long-only' institutional fund managers is that they do not need to stick to being fully invested most of the time, nor do they have to stick to prescribed investment formula or type of investment.

Private investors can draw their investments from the whole gamut of the stockmarket, bonds, tangible assets and cash - remembering only that the same trading rules apply, and that those investing in tangible assets need to make allowance for the reduced trading liquidity that such investments have.

Equally it is worth bearing in mind that stock specific risk can be eliminated by using index funds or exchange traded funds (ETFs) instead (although not exchange traded commodities, which are more like single stocks in terms of the risk they pose.)


This blog is above all important news, interesting investment topic and potential shares in HK and UK. This year, I will specificlly looking for a multi bagger shares, this ia challenge a challenge that the young ones have to takes some time!
