2011年6月7日 星期二



在玻利維亞El Alto﹐一名工人正在天然氣儲藏罐徬進行記錄。據IEA設想﹐全球的天然氣消費量未來25年內有可能增長50%以上﹐到2035年時﹐天然氣需求量將佔全球能源總需求量的25%以上﹐高於目前21%的水平。

但IEA也警告說﹐儘管天然氣是一種比煤炭和石油更清潔的能源﹐但它仍然是化石燃料﹐天然氣的使用量增加將使更多可導致全球變暖的溫室氣體被排放出來。天然氣使用量的增加還意味著﹐可再生能源與核能等低碳能源的使用量會相應減少。IEA的總幹事田中伸男(Nobuo Tanaka)說﹐僅僅增加天然氣的使用量不是應對氣候變化的萬能藥。




國際能源署首席經濟學家比羅爾(Fatih Birol)說﹐該機構提出的未來天然氣消費量激增的前景取決於好幾個因素﹐其中包括這個行業能否完全化解公眾對水力壓裂技術、過渡用水問題以及污染風險的擔憂。比羅爾說﹐如果天然氣公司想步入天然氣的黃金時代﹐就得應用天然氣生產的黃金標準。

Guy Chazan

2011年5月31日 星期二





的确,我的很多朋友过去到哪里都要开车,最近几周却很不可思议地转乘公共交通。过去几年,中国主要城市的公共交通得到了极大改善。汽车业人气的巨大转变说明了一个事实,即汽车销售不再是中国政府优先发展的市场,这将伤及通用汽车(GM.N: 行情)和大众汽车(VOWG.DE: 行情)等汽车业巨头的利益,更不用提上海汽车(SAIC)(600104.SS: 行情)、吉利(0175.HK: 行情)和比亚迪(1211.HK: 行情)等本土汽车商。



我刚刚在我最喜欢的西饼店吃完早餐,西饼店新的菜单使我发现,今天早晨的价格上涨了约10%,这和我要写的这一则分析遥相呼应。我要说的新闻是,中国最终接受了联合利华(ULVR.L: 行情)UNc新一轮的涨价,该公司三月份就谈论过涨价一事,当时便引发了一场大风暴。





2011年5月29日 星期日

















兗煤以現貨結算之煤價比例為眾多本港上市動力煤(Thermal coal)供應商中比例最高(72%),近期動力煤價格持續上升,對兗煤的盈利表現有正面作用。事實上,集團去年綜合煤價上漲18%至每噸726元,其中,兗煤澳洲漲幅達53%。雖然發改委規定今年內地重點合同煤價不得提高,但兗煤以現貨銷售為主,澳洲煤價更不受限制,未來業績表現將可受惠現貨煤價和國際煤價持續上揚而水漲船高。

另外,兗煤的另一吸引力在於持有的外幣尤其是澳元貸款,這為集團提供額外但顯著的匯兌收益。根據兗煤公佈2010 年的92.81 億元純利中,匯兌收益就達到27 億元,佔29%今年首季,澳元兌美元按季升1.03%,兌人民幣按季升0.11%,已令兗煤每股盈利增加4.6分。第二季至今,澳元兌人民幣升值5.05%,為首季的48倍,兌美元升值5.6%,為首季的5.4倍。








目前,神華的國外收購行動中,以集團與日本三井物產(Mitsui &Co)合作競標蒙古最大煤礦塔溫陶勒蓋Tavan Tolgoi煤田的Tsankhi礦區西區塊煤礦開採專案最吸引市場眼球,競標者包括淡水河谷及力拓。中投顧問研究總監張硯霖指出,中國神華集團具有較大的優勢,因而獲得塔本陶勒蓋煤田專案的成功幾率也相對較大。




2011年1月10日 星期一

2011年1月9日 星期日

光汇石油 (933)


唯一一家獲授許可、從事中國保稅海上供油業務的私營 (政府只發出了五張經營牌照(五個包括:中國船舶燃料、深圳光滙石油、中石化三家子公司)






•購入四艘遠洋油輪,每艘愈100,000載重噸,Already 交付 (2 only from Sept/Oct 2010)



與中國石油天然氣集團公司(CNPC)於新疆吐孜合作開展天然氣項目,項目鄰近國家天然氣管道 (2011年下半年開始投產)



海上運輸 - 新加坡–深圳
石油倉儲及碼頭 - 深圳
全球海上供油服務 - 國內不同港口


預期於未來12至18個月投入服務的港口 NY, LA, Hounston, Spain, 孟買, 富吉拉, 廣州, Toyko, 天津, Dalianm Tsangdo, 釜山, 廈門, 日照

深圳光滙石油 - 持有經營牌照 and 深圳總庫 (Not 光汇石油 (933))
深圳光滙石油is 100% owned by 薛光林
光滙石油 only75.81% owned by 薛光林

2011年1月8日 星期六

賽得利控股有限公司 (1768)







一個溶解漿廠      巴西巴伊亞  
                          印尼多巴        年產能約46.5萬噸    全球總供應量10%
一個粘膠纖維廠   中國江西省    年產能約12萬公噸    公司產能排全球第9




2010年9月- 福建莆田開建纖維生產基地 (30億),年產能20萬噸,11年年底前投產。


募集資金在下限.....預計future more 集資? 資本開支 until 2013 will cost 53.8億港元


低成本 - 巴伊亞經營15萬公頃的種植園(上游),桉樹占8.4萬公頃(為生產溶解木漿提供主要原材料) 低木材價格波動的敏感度,減少了原材料成本的波動, 便利水路運輸,離削減了運輸成本,公司生產于全球溶解木漿業中屬最低

業務模式 - 垂直整合,公司可在價值鏈的多個環節中,有效給產品定價,並將綜合利潤最大化


1)根據PCI Fibres的資料,中國是目前粘膠漿需求最大、發展最快的市場,2009年溶解木漿需求約為3.4百萬公噸,而視乎純度及應用類型,溶解木漿一般分為黏膠漿及特種漿兩大類,分別佔溶解木漿需求的 70%和30%。



預計到2012年溶解木漿需求將增長至 4.4百萬公噸,復合年增長率為9.3%. *CURRENTLY OVERSUPPLY?

目前全球有17家主要溶解木漿生產商,共經營21家工廠,五大生產商共佔全球溶解木漿產能約65%。中國黏膠短纖產能的迅速增長令溶解木漿及棉絨漿的需求大增。由于國內並無溶解木漿供應故最初需求由中國國內生產的棉絨漿來滿足。但由于近期棉價高企,同時棉絨短缺,導致棉絨漿的成本明顯高于溶解 木漿。

根據PCI Fibres的預測,中國的溶解木漿進口量由2009年的85.2萬公噸增至2012年的165.4萬公噸。公司作為中國最大的黏膠漿供應商,在中國溶解木漿進口市場的佔有率達到40%,將顯著有益于市場需求的快速增長。



受棉花價格影響,棉紗價格也快速攀升,由于良好的替代性黏膠短纖需求大幅增加。據PCI Fibres分析,黏膠短纖的全球需求量將由2009年的254.3萬公噸增至2012年的338.3萬公噸,復合年增長率10%。其中,中國的黏膠短纖產量已佔全球市場的58%,生產廠商達到40家。


近年來,公司業務大幅增長。2007年至2009年,公司總收益復合年增長率為42%截止2010年上半年,總收益為4.4億美元,同比增長 1.4倍。其中溶解木漿和粘膠短纖作為公司主要產品,銷售收入分別佔總體營收的77%和23%。受益于中國對粘膠短纖的替代需求迅速增長,以及溶解木漿的價格優勢日益明顯,公司產品未來的需求增長空間巨大。




由于公司主要產品溶解木漿及粘膠短纖的需求及價格受棉花價格影響較大,在2010年中國棉花價格呈現歷史高點,後又快速回落的背景下,預計 2010年、2011年的凈利潤分別為3.02億美元和2.7億美元,同比增長1.9倍和下降10.6%,攤薄後EPS分別為,0.09美元和0.08美 元。以公司此次招股價6.6至9.2港元計算,2011年公司PE為10.6至14.8倍基本合理。




公司一直透過擴充產能及產品線實現業務增長,但受到政府批文、牌照及許可證以及招募、培訓熟練雇員等因素的制約,未必能按時或根本不能完成擴展計劃,這進而會對我們的業務、財 務狀況及經營業績造成重大不利影響。

2011年1月4日 星期二

《大行報告》大和首予中資彩票股「正面」評級 首選御泰(0555.HK)



同時,認為新遊戲和新配售渠道亦可推動未來市場增長,令傳統彩票業可穩步擴張。該行預期,中央一旦開始向電子配售點頒發新互聯網及移動彩票許可證,彩票股將潛在上行空間。首選行業股為御泰中彩控股(0555.HK)(0555.HK - 新聞 - 公司資料),首予目標價1.2元及「買入」評級。



2010 -10 九個月業績將錄得淨利潤約人民幣9,500 萬元—11,000 萬元。由於經緯紡織截至6月底止半年盈利只得人民幣3000萬元左右,此表示第三季(7-9月)盈利約為人民幣6,500萬元-8,000萬元,相當於每股盈利人民幣0.109-0.134元

2010 年第三季度淨利潤較去年同期升幅較高,主要原因是:

1. 自2010 年8 月起中融國際信托有限公司已合併入本公司 (36%)8月17日
2. 公司銷售收入較去年同期增長較快,從而使公司業績與去年同期相比大幅增加。







2010-11 重大技術創新及產業化資金合計3,300萬元人民幣,該項資金是對該公司新型紡織設備研發與試製的研發補助。補貼款目前尚未到帳,到帳後將增加公司收益。

2011年1月3日 星期一

(BHR.L) Beacon Hill Resources


1) coal-producing mine in the Tete province of Mozambique.
(largest undeveloped coal region in the world, two mining monoliths, Vale of Brazil and Riversdale of Australia, are firmly positioned in the area.)

2) Tasmania Magnesite  two licences in NE, AUS  (Arthur River Project) ,
Magnesia is typically processed into calcinated or other forms of magnesia, increasing achieved prices (from $50 per tonne to up to $250/t for CCM or higher for other compounds) 

DEC - full funding for both its projects by the placing of £23m of new equity

Already mining coal (current resource estimate of 33Mt mineable of coal reserve, with saleable estimate of 20Mt.)

2010-05 May -  producing 2,000 tons of coal a month.   2ktpm
2011-01                               8,000 tons a month
2011                                    20,000 tons a month this year
2012                                    200,000

For 2012 detail of coal sales and production type see link

30% of which is expected to be coking coal for the export market.

Already granted environmental approval for an opencast mine of some 200kt -400kt per month

The main transport Sena railway line has recently been expanded and on which the group has an offer of additional capacity from November 2012. Both Beira port and Nacala port are being expanded/refurbished to handle greater capacity/size of ships. 


moving from more underground mining to open-pit, which is easier, cheaper and offers a far safer and more agreeable environment for the miners.

Total investment is projected to be some $10m with contractors undertaking the mining.


Beacon Hill can obtain $100 a ton (£65) for its coal 
cost of digging it out of the ground is about $50 a ton

if prices stay static, the group should deliver turnover of $240 million in a couple of years and profits of $120 million. 

Arthur River  Project Magnesite

JORC compliant resource of 13.2m measured tonnes and £25.8m tonnes magnesia rated in inferred category.

initial progress towards preparing the statutory Development Proposal and Environmental Management Plan (‘DPEMP’). Several key components  are already completed including the flora, fauna and Aboriginal heritage surveys

Begin a drilling programme first quarter 2011 -  understanding of the deposit and its geology as well as expanding the current Measured and Inferred resource.

Production by 2012 would be impressive.

High grade at 43.4% with some 13.2m tonnes of measured resource with another 10m of inferred tonnes at a 41.5% grade while a further 15.8m tonnes of inferred resource register a very respectable 39.9%.


Valuation for the Magnesia opportunity of Aus$69.3m to Aus$83m (c.£36-44m) based on the measured and inferred resource – though that would increase substantially on the announcement of a JV to sell processed product. 


Justin Lewis - appointed chairman last year, the company has moved on in leaps and bounds,  only in his 30s, probably why it seems he has a hunger for success,

shares at the option price which is 14p

Hub - BoD always seem to rush their option prices when they feel the train is about to leave the station.

Future Plan

COAL - executing a further drilling program, 28 holes completed to date (2010-12), and has identified the Chipanga seam as likely to lead to an increase in reserves estimates

The group will construct an 80t per hour mobile wash plant while simultaneously handling other minor items to put the group on track for full planned production by January 2012.

Infrastructure refurbished/expanded - The local railway line is to be extended to the mine.

Arthur River  Project -  additional exploration which could significantly increase the extent of this resource.  (to potentially over 100Mt tonnes based on earlier exploration).

funding sufficient to bring the mine into full production. 

Expect to explore JVs to achieve this next step as the mine approaches full production.


positive cashflow

Implied Valued per share 23.3p
(does not include the upside from the potential to upgrade resource estimates by drilling activities, or the potential lift to the Manganese operation by the JV to create higher value compounds, or even the income from the exercise of the options/warrants)


Time? take years to complete the two projects  (Tasmania Magnesite and Mozambique Coal).

Share Dilution - to acquired the remaining 49% tete mine. 238m new shares.Half are expected to convert as soon as shareholders give approval with the other half converting one year later. The implied valuation for BHRM is some $200m. The convertibles carry a 15% interest rate.

Caza Oil & Gas (CAZA)

onshore exploration, development and production in Texas, Louisiana and New Mexico

Current market capitalisation of £78m ($124m) with no debt and current cash of approx. $33m

November 2010, Caza raised £18.9 mln through a placing at 42p per share.


Arran & Tiree prospects - multi-segment prospect, with prospective reservoirs supported by AVO data within a proven play fairway. 

OB Ranch - 43.28% working interest and an approximate 32.03% net revenue interest in the well

Windham development

Production overview (3Q10 average 845Mcfge/day)

Matthys-McMillan #2  W.I. 19.61%
146bopd and

OB Ranch #1  
2.48 million cubic feet of natural gas per day,
400 barrels of oil per day
190 barrels of water per day

Potential Issues

Dec 8th, the Company -  Marian Baker #1 well on Arran Prospect to a total depth of approximately 16,000 feet beginning (Jan Spurred). Official COS is 35%.

The Marian Baker #1 well is expected to encounter multiple, potential, hydrocarbon bearing reservoir sections.

 For Arran, Australian drilling partners who have carried out an independent assesment and released notes say 650 BCF or higher.There's a production well 350m away from the target.

Upcoming high impact drilling campaign
• Arran – targeting 177Bcf & 3.0MMbbl  Caza 25% W.I. 35.94% after casing point;NRI c.26.24%
• Tiree – targeting 76Bcf & 1.4MMbbl   Caza 25% W.I.32.81% aftercasing point; NRI c.23.95%
• Lewis – targeting 42Bcf & 0.8MMbbl  Caza 50% W.I.

On a 9/64th choke at 6,100 pounds per square inch flowing tubing pressure and still has approximately 750 barrels of fracture fluid to recover. The production rates are being closely monitored, and Caza will provide an update once the rates and flowing tubing pressure have stabilised.

2011 looks an active year for Caza

Upcoming Activities

All eyes on the Arran prospect in Q1. Success at Arran would de-risk Tiree which is significant.

Windham Wolfberry prospect farmed out to Devon Energy

– Complete Caza 158 # 1 frac stimulation
– Commence Caza 162 #1 frac stimulation

– Drill Bongo offset well                                        Caza 65% W.I.
– Commence Bongo development drilling

• Q2 2011
Drill Tiree prospect

• Other 2011 Activities
– Drill Lewis prospect
– Farm out of Las Animas prospect   Caza 25%* W.I.
– Further Windham wells anticipated

Our Target price for 2011 is 120p. This could be revised upwards based upon future discoveries.

 NAV based on production figures in the last Bongo RNS to add 12.8p per share to the NAV.

NAV prior to windham, bongo and placing to fund future prospects was 45p ish so we're sitting below old NAV before these were added in.

No broker notes have come out yet from CENKOS, so we're waiting for a more official NAV from them.

No exact figures on production costs etc, but $50 per barrel for oil and $2.75 per mcf of gas after tax etc are as good as I've been able to get.

A major hurdle cleared, more obstacles to come - making sense of the EMED story


EMED’s flagship asset is the Rio Tinto mine - also known as Proyecto Rio Tinto (PRT) redevelopment - in the Andalucia region of Spain.

Option from Iberian Portugal over the exploration permit covering the Regua tungsten deposit

Biely Vrch porphyry gold project in Slovakia

20 percent shareholding in KEFI Minerals LON (LON:KEFI) - whose interests are centred on Turkey and Saudi Arabia – and the sum of the parts would appear to be far in excess of today's market cap of just £38 million. It's easy to see why, in common with many other undervalued and unloved AIM juniors, EMED are beating a path to Toronto.

Tungsten (POR) has been classified as a critical raw material by the European Commission, due to the tightness of global supply and the Iberian Peninsula has historically been one of the major sources of tungsten supply outside of China. 

Future Dec Target


A significant project. EMED foresees a 9 million tonne per year mining operation over a 14 year minelife that will produce 37,000 tonnes of copper concentrate each year.

One forecast sees the PRT providing annual earnings (EBITDA) of US$70 million, giving net present value (NPV) of £414 million (or 63p per share) and an internal rate of return of 128 percent.- high by any standards

EMED now owns 100 percent of the mining rights over the Rio Tinto mine area.

EMED now expects the Junta to begin a formal review process to determine whether it should receive the various approvals - based on EMED’s legal, technical and economic capacity to operate the Rio Tinto project.


JORC compliant (2008) 1.26 million tonnes grading 0.39 percent tungsten trioxide (WO3) in the indicated category, 2.16 million tonnes grading 0.36 percent WO3 inferred.

The option acquisition price is 2.5 million EMED Mining shares,  and a commitment to spend €250,000 on the project before the option expiry date of 31 December 2011. If the option is exercised, EMED Mining would pay a further €750,000 to Iberian Portugal either as cash or in EMED Mining shares as well as committing to spend €1,500,000 on the project within three years. The vendor would retain a Net Smelter Royalty of 3 to 4 percent, dependent upon the product selling price. As part of due diligence over the next 12 months, EMED will be examining the exploration potential at Regua, auditing the mineral resource and undertaking a scoping study, which will include the scope for permitting.  EMED Mining's preliminary assessment of Regua indicates a potentially valuable tungsten project with considerable potential to add additional resources through further exploration, provided that an access issue to part of the property can be resolved.

Biely Vrch porphyry gold project in Slovakia

Currently pursuing planning and permitting for this 1 million ounce deposit, and a

scoping study confirmed the attractive economics of developing a mine. The study envisages a heap leach mining operation to yield about 60,000 ounces of gold per year over a ten-year minelife (recoveries would vary from 85-90 percent using typical CIL processing techniques), and at a capital cost of US$64 million and estimated operating costs at US$529/oz, producing 60,000 oz/y for 10 years at gold prices above US$1,000/oz, the outcome looks highly favourable.

Kefi Minerals Plc (LON:KEFI) -  awaiting important news from Saudi Arabia. submitted a total of 21 Exploration Licence Applications [ELAs] following Field Reconnaissance over some years. It is understood that the first few of these exploration licences is expected soon [But to be honest - they have been "expected" for the last three or four month!]. All the ELAs are in areas of historic gold mining and both EMED and KEFI sound quite excited about the possibilities.


Received the necessary signatures on a statement of non-opposition from the liquidators of the Rio Tinto copper mine’s previous owners. now formally submitted the statement to Andalucia’s regional government – Junta de Andalucia. It now hopes to reach the next big permitting milestone, referred to as ‘administrative standing’,

foresees the next big stage (“Administrative Standing”) being granted by the middle of next year, along with the necessary Mining Permit, and anticipate a 6 month build up to commissioning. 

Significant potential to extend the 14-year mine life by conversion of known mineral resources to reserves, and additional exploration which could increase the mineralisation to more than 300 million tonnes of resource

Capex to reach production is around US$120 million and by comparison with peer groups, EMED have a low capex intensity cost of just US$2,703 per annual tonne of copper production, almost half the figure achieved by their nearest peer group member, Pan Australian, who are developing in Thailand and Laos with a capital intensity figure of US$4,762 per tonne.


Land ownership - EMED does not own all the land to fully restart the mining operation. Various parts subject to liens - a passive right to retain but not sell property assets against an outstanding debt – as a result of Minas de Riotinto’s (previous owner) liquidation.

According to EMED, the only lien that is critical to the re-start of the project is currently held by the Department of Social Security, In May it was agreed that the Department of Social Security would not exercise their lien and EMED would repay the total debt owed to the department, over a five-year period.

Certain parcels of land that are required for the mine’s full operation, including tailings disposal, are held by other parties.  EMED said that negotiations are under way  but it may need to use a compulsory acquisition.the compulsory purchases could take less than 12 months, but it put the worst-case scenario at up to two years.

Future Target

Once this is Admin License granted, EMED will then finalise authorisations for other associated activities - such as tailings storage, equipment usage, blasting etc.

Finally the Junta will then verify that EMED has the necessary financing and insurances in place, before the mine finally resumes operation.

Peter Rose, mining analyst at Fox-Davies,  believe that EMED remain on schedule to restart the Rio Tinto copper mine in late 2011,” Rose said in a note to clients.The analyst rates EMED as a ‘buy’, with a 53 pence per share target (current price 10.1p).

Atlantic Coal

Stockton’s- 4 million tons of raw coal, or ‘run-of-mine’ coal (ROM), which, after the washing process equates to approximately 2 million tons of washed anthracite.

The mine presently produces around 200,000 tons of anthracite a year. (Stockton a mine life of about 10 years from now, at 400,000 t)
Atlantic’s product is selling at between US$95 and US$145 a tonne and costs around US$85 to mine

On the market anthracite per tonne selling price has been between $115 for industry up to $150 for home use. (09-04) Atlantic has historically sold around 40% of its output to steel makers, 30% to other industry and 30% for home heating, the highest-margin of the three but only for the colder months from November to March.  


hydraulic excavator - significantly increase production and reduce the cost base,get to 400,000 tons per year. last piece of the colliery’s $10 million redevelopment and could be assembled in the very near future. 

cash flow positive from operations 

Solely based on current assets & liabilities the short term sp should be anywhere between 1.3 and 1.8p


Renegotiated with the Pagnottis to stop selling the 100,000 tons of ROM coal a year at a fixed price, and instead effectively pay a deferred consideration. This, says Atlantic, will save it $10m-plus over the mine's life. 

deal with coal broker Xcoal,  ‘taking 5,000 initially and have agreed to take up to 150,000 tons of clean coal or, if production is great they can take 50% - so if we were to produce 400,000 tons they could take 200,000 of it. We see this as a strategic partnership rather than just a one-off contract.’

Major shareholder recently bought the loan lote, indicated they will not sale as cheap.

FLOODS ravaging Queensland are expected to drive global coking coal prices more than 20 per cent higher for the second quarter.

Analysts expect production to be around 100,000 clean tons this year (2010), rising to 200,000 in 2011.

The market for anthracite in Pennsylvania, meanwhile, has tightened considerably following the closure of a neighbouring mine, which has actually left Atlantic struggling to meet demand.

completing the relocation of the Norfolk Southern Railway, (nOV 2010), to provide access to coal reserves under the tracks that traverse the southern pit area. This will contribute positively to production.


 £1 million convertible loan agreement for a further year, (end Dec 2011) which gives the company’s management breathing space to consider its options. coupon of 13.75 percent it could prove expensive to ponder the alternatives too long.  

Future target

Fox-Davies analyst predicts Atlantic’s turnover this year (2010) will be US$11.8 million, rising to US$21 million in 2011, delivering EBITDA of US$10.7 million.

next 12 months to add 30-40m tons, which will give us a mine life of around 30-40 years,’ plans to acquire sites on a royalty basis, and so not risk large amounts of cash up front. Atlantic thinks it will be able to pay a royalty to each mine’s owners of around $4 a ton and so still maintain a significant profit.

iNTERMIN: Although the six monthly figures show a distinct improvement, it is important to recognise that the true benefits of all the restructuring and development initiatives have not fully impacted this current reporting period.

 As we continue to move into the coal basin we expect raw coal production to increase dramatically.


This blog is above all important news, interesting investment topic and potential shares in HK and UK. This year, I will specificlly looking for a multi bagger shares, this ia challenge a challenge that the young ones have to takes some time!
