2010年3月29日 星期一

my HLO predition 2010

my Estimate

Broker Estimate


219.98m Revenue

28.13 Net profit
24.61p EPS
7.4 P/E
0.1 PEG
+54% EPS Growth
7.19p DIV
3.9% DIV Yield
So the diff
Gross 219-195.34
09 EPS = 16p
Assume 20% + from 09 EPS - =19.2p
Estimate P/E = 9.375
Estimate PEG

US healthcare, what's for UK company?

Some UK companies are set to benefit from US healthcare reforms.

Anyone following the news last week won't have failed to notice that Barrack Obama finally managed to get his healthcare bill passed by a narrow majority.

The bill, which will extend health insurance coverage to 32 million more Americans by 2019 marks the biggest change in the US healthcare system for half a century.

Republicans hate 'Obamacare', seeing the spectre of escalating public spending, while many liberals feel the bill has been so watered down by industry lobbyists that it's hardly been worth the bother.

Let's forget the political debate, and ask: Can Fools make money from Obama's healthcare reforms -- even Fools investing in the UK?

Big pharma
The drug industry's contribution to reform will be in excess of $80 billion over the next decade, more than originally proposed. Drug makers will have to offer substantial discounts to those on a low income and the elderly, under the government-run Medicaid and Medicare schemes respectively.

That's the bad news for big pharma, but there's plenty of good. For a start, the adverse impact of discounting on margins is expected to be offset by higher sales volumes as the 32 million new customers start to access prescription medicines.

Furthermore, some industry-opposed initiatives in earlier drafts of the legislation were dropped from the final bill. The new law does not allow the government to dictate price limits or intervene on drug pricing negotiations. It does not allow US consumers to buy lower-priced, re-imported prescription drugs. It does not outlaw lucrative 'pay-for-delay' deals, in which a brand-owner pays a generic company to delay bringing a rival product to market.

Last, but not least, drug makers have been granted a 12-year exclusivity period on 'biologics' -- drugs synthesized from living organisms. Good for brand-driven big pharma; not so good for generics companies who will now have to wait longer before they can attempt to launch so-called 'biosimilars'.

Which UK pharma?
I wrote recently that AstraZeneca (LSE: AZN) is on an attractive valuation relative to sector peers, such as GlaxoSmithKline (LSE: GSK), and the likes of Novartis in Europe and Merck in the US.

AstraZeneca should also get a bigger boost than GlaxoSmithKline from Obama's healthcare reforms, as 45% of its sales come from the US compared to Glaxo's 36%.

In addition, AstraZeneca is the most heavily involved UK pharma company in biologics, through its MedImmune subsidiary, acquired for $15bn in 2007. Around 20% of Astra's current pipeline consists of biologics and the company expects that to increase to 25-30% over the next five years.

Further down the FTSE 100, Shire (LSE: SHP) is also perhaps interesting. It generates 71% of its sales from North America, with its two largest customers, Cardinal Health and McKesson, being in the US.

Astra, Glaxo and Shire have not commented publicly on the new legislation. I suspect they are more than satisfied, but wisely keeping their thoughts to themselves while the political temperature remains so high.

Medical devices
Big pharma isn't the only sector that will be helping to pay for reform. A tax on medical devices -- everything from surgical instruments to bedpans, according to some reports -- will start in 2013 and raise $20bn over 10 years.

The industry doesn't like it, of course, but it's a big improvement on the initial proposal of $40 billion starting in 2010.

Smith & Nephew (LSE: SN) has orthopaedics, endoscopy and wound management businesses. Just over 44% of its $3.8bn sales last year were derived from the US, where it enjoyed double-digit percentage growth in its range of hip and knee devices.

If the reforms had already applied, Smith & Nephew would have faced up to $37m in extra taxes last year. That can be measured against a pre-tax profit of $670m.

Like the big pharmas, Smith & Nephew has yet to make any official statement on how it views the new legislation.

Nurse! Nurse!
I spotted one UK company which did comment on Obama's reforms last week. AIM-listed Healthcare Locums (LSE: HLO), which announced full-year results on Tuesday, described the reforms as 'a huge and exciting opportunity' for the company.

Healthcare Locums has 12,500 international candidates on its database and anticipates the US will need up to 1.6m new nurses and other healthcare workers over the next five to ten years.

However, the company's share price plummeted on the release of its results. A surprise change in its accounting policies -- ironically reflecting the growing importance of the US market -- left profits below City expectations. On top of that, a sizeable contraction in the social workers division didn't compute with the company's year-end trading statement announcing 'very strong performances' across 'all' divisions.

US commentators have been suggesting that investors take a look at a number of healthcare sub-sectors in their domestic market, including healthcare insurance, pharmacy benefit management and health information technology, but are there any more UK firms set to benefit from Obama's reforms? If you've spotted a good one, tell us about it in the comments box below.

2010年3月28日 星期日

Insuring A Great Return On Your Money

With strong dividends and rising asset values the insurance sector looks like an attractive place to invest.
There's an old saying that there's only two things certain in life; death and taxes. Well they may as well have added insurance because these days, there seems no getting by without it. As a result, in uncertain economic times, it looks like a defensive sector that's well worth further investigation.
Indeed, despite the carnage in the stock markets, the insurance (non life) sector is only 10 per cent off its high of early 2007. Yet it's one which gets little attention from private investors. The reason for this is that, for many, insurance accounts are an enigma. So let's see if I can shed some light on them and hopefully identify candidates worthy of further investigation.
The insurance (non life) sector provides all those types of insurance which are not life cover. So that could be insurance for property, employers' liability, hurricanes and anything else that someone wants to cover for the risk of loss.


To take on the risk of loss for customers, insurance companies charge a fee or premium. Usually this is paid in advance for a future period of time. Where the period of insurance is different from the accounting period on which the insurer is reporting, an adjustment is made in the profit and loss for 'unearned premiums' (effectively deferred income).
Insurers are restricted to the amount of risk they can take on by the amount of capital they have. So, like bookies, insurance companies often lay off some of their risk, to other entities called re-insurers. Often you'll see a charge in the profit and loss account for the cost of that.


The difficulties insurance companies have with claims are that they never quite know how much they are going to be. Claims may come in late or be difficult to quantify until finally resolution. As a result insurance companies make reserves or provisions for future claims. Clearly how prudent or imprudent they are can come back to haunt them. Investors were badly burnt some years ago by Independent Insurance which consistently and intentionally under provided for future claims.
Some insurance companies insure relatively small risks, such as cars, where there are a lot of relatively small claims. Some insure huge but infrequent catastrophic risks, such as hurricanes. The profitability of the later is inevitably likely to be more volatile.

Combined ratio

Insurance companies often quote the combined ratio in their accounts. It's the percentage of premiums which are paid out for claims and administration of claims. Obviously the lower the combined ratio, the more money an insurance company is making out of premiums it receives. Where the ratio is more than 100, the insurance company is losing money on its insurance business.

Investment returns

Even when they lose money on insurance, companies can still sometimes still be profitable. That's because they get paid in advance from customers or because claims can take often years to be settled. That means they end up with lots of cash on their balance sheet. Insurance companies invest this money and make a return from it. Where a large proportion of profits come from this source then insurance companies are acting more like investment trusts. It's important to consider, therefore, what they invest in and how much risk they are taking.

Valuing insurance companies

Clearly there is volatility and uncertainty in claims and therefore earnings which means individual years can be less relevant than in other sectors. Despite this good companies will be consistently profitable with low combined ratios. This indicates that they are good at assessing and managing risk and charging accordingly. Nevertheless, instead of price earnings ratios, the market focuses more on net asset value and dividend yield.
Bearing this in mind, let's look at some prime candidates for investigation

Discount to NAV


Market cap







- 5.8%






Troubled Chaucer Holdings (LSE: CHU) raised £75 million from the stock market in February after losses of £72 million on its investments. Subsequently a number of senior executives quit after bid talks with rival Brit failed. The company is cutting its dividend to 4 pence with the intention to hold it for the next two years. Probably as a result Chaucer trades at a meaty 9 per cent discount to net assets with a dividend yield of 8.3 per cent.
Catlin Group (LSE: CGL) raised US $289 million from the stock market in March and reported record results for the first half of 2009. It currently trades at a slight premium to net assets but has a good record of rising dividends, which is forecast to continue next year.
Beazley (LSE: BEZ) also raised money from the stock market in April; £150 million, spending some of it on acquiring a US commercial property specialist and the rest to expand its existing businesses. Record profits were achieved in the first half, offset by exchange losses on non-cashflow items. Beazley also trades at a premium to net assets, and although dividends are lower, increases have been strong in recent years and are forecast to continue.
Brit Insurance Holdings (LSE: BRE) also trades at a chunky discount to net assets and offers a 7.3 per cent yield, although dividends have remained static for the last few years. Unlike the others Brit dropped its plans to raise funds, so may not have the capital for future expansion. First half results were largely break even as exchange losses wiped out underlying profits up 24 per cent.
With interest rates at historic lows these shares look good value and industry consolidation cannot be ruled out. However just like they do, it might be worth spreading your risk around.

今年資本開支411.3億元 中國神華謀劃並購擴張戰略

2010年03月17日 15:32 來源:中國證券報


  他還表示,如果未來收購母公司項目,收購條件是其內部收益率不小于10%,且風險可控。分析人士認為,中國神華等煤炭企業雖然都表示要整體上 市,但目前的壓力並不大。公司財務總監張克慧則表示,公司正密切關注新資源稅政策出臺時間表。


  淩文稱,中國神華未來發展除靠本身業務自然增長外,還將物色兼併收購機會,包括母公司的項目,若母公司有項目可注入上市公司運營,條件是收購後 其內部收益率不小于10%,且風險可控。公司將會以優先收購權並購母公司項目。

  中國神華母公司目前續存的業務包括煤炭生產、煤化工和風電項目等。淩文表示,母公司向上市公司注入資產是為了推進業務整合和加快整體上市步伐。 不過,券商分析師表示,目前中國神華整體上市的壓力並不是很大,母公司存續的煤炭資產多遠離煤炭消費地,如新疆、蒙西等,受運輸制約較大,盈利能力不如上 市公司現有資產。

  中國神華還計劃,到2014年時將煤炭年產量在2009年的基礎上提高一倍,從2.103億噸提高到4億噸。同時,公司計劃到2013年實現經 濟總量比2008年的141.79億元翻一番


  據淩文介紹,公司自2003年開始跟蹤蒙古國塔班陶勒蓋煤礦項目,今年進入第二次溝通,並正積極參與招標。對此前蒙古政府取消出售塔班陶勒蓋煤 礦股權的傳聞,淩文表示沒有聽說。據了解,目前仍有約10家企業競標塔班陶勒蓋項目。

  據淩文介紹,公司2010年煤炭銷售量目標為2.72億噸,比2009年的2.54億噸增長7%;今年商品煤產量目標為2.29億噸,比 2009年的2.1億噸增長8.9%;今年總發電量目標為1,260億千瓦時,同比增長19.9%總售電量目標為1,167億千瓦時,同比增長 19.4%

  此外,公司2010年資本開支411.3億元,較去年同期的310.4億元增長32.5%,其中煤炭、鐵路、港口、發電業務各佔43.6%、 31%、4.7%及21%。



  此前,中國神華集團旗下兩家煤制油企業——神華煤制油化工有限公司、神華鄂爾多斯煤制油分公司獲得成品油批發經營資格。這是我國首批獲得成品油 批發資質的煤制油項目,意味著煤制油將正式進入成品油市場。


  神華財務總監張克慧則表示,公司正密切關注新資源稅政策出臺時間表,據公司了解,有關部門正在加緊研究資源稅的實施細節。據其判斷,資源稅可能 今年會出臺,最低稅率可能達3%,這將提高煤炭企業的生產成本。(李陽丹)

2010年3月27日 星期六

庫存減少 煤電股短多

大陸電煤庫存告急,又有合併重組、內需帶動等題材可資發揮,煤電類股今年表現可望超 越大盤,其中袞州煤業與中國神華表現可期;但分析師指出,煤電股漲幅不小是目前最大的風險。

海通證券香港投資諮詢部副總裁郭家耀認為,天氣寒冷使煤炭需求提升,在冬季期間煤炭價格大多上揚;長線而言,大陸經濟日漸成長,大量基建及工業對煤炭的長 期需求增加,也有助煤炭股的利潤增加。

輝立證券發表報告認為,由於大陸中央將會進一步加強基建與固定資產投資,預計消耗大量能源的工業如水泥、鋼鐵、有色金屬、煤電等行業,都會進一步蓬勃起 來。

有分析認為,大陸煤價去自年下半年來加快上漲,使煤炭、電力股股價也隨之反彈,以煤炭現貨儲量最高的袞州煤業為例,其A股股價一年累計已大漲 157.63%;雖有分析認為,煤炭稅的改革可能今年啟動,但光大證券分析師張春美認為,煤炭稅不會在今年繳收,對煤企影響不大,煤電股目前惟一的風險是 股價已大漲不少,但整體長線發展仍然看好。


市場認為,大陸積極整合煤炭企業,未來對煤炭新建項目的審批也將更將嚴格,對大型煤炭企業長期是一大利多。輝立證券指出,大陸傾向推廣山西重組礦業的經 驗,當地礦業重組後,企業由2,200多家減至130家,其中四家為可達年產億噸的特大煤炭企業,因此兼併重組將影響部分煤企前景。

張春美表示,煤企兼併重組,對今年煤炭行業發展帶來正面的支持;大陸煤炭業經整合後,整體供應將會成長20%,其中袞州煤業受惠最大。郭家耀也認為,煤企 的重組將使一些行業龍頭受惠,其中中國神華與袞州煤業受惠更多。





Get into coal if profit is the goal

Coal has long been hailed the bête noire by environmentalists, but with global demand for energy growing, its popularity is only set to rise.

Coal now amounts to nearly a third of UK electricity and with the International Energy Agency estimating that energy demand will shoot up by more than two thirds over the next 20 years, coal companies are poised to take advantage.

Western Coal Corporation (WTN), the UK-listed Canadian coal producer, is growing testament to this. The AIM-listed group has pointed to a 59% price increase for hard coking coal for the fiscal year 2011.

In addition, the company said it plans on expanding its business, with the Canada, US and UK operations all earmarked for sales growth.

In the past month alone, the stock has gained over 52% and analyst Will Dymott of Cenkos Securities believes this trend will continue.

"Western now represents a financially strong company with relatively low risk expansion potential financed from cash flows with the aim of becoming a top tier international producer of seaborne metallurgical coal," Dymott said.

Watch resident stockpicker Edmond Jackson's view on the firm as he joins forces with iBall TV to pick Western Coal as a stock to watch for 2010.

Metallurgical coal is a key ingredient in the making of steel and with global steel production set to increase by around 9% over this coming year, with continued growth from emerging markets, the outlook is positive.

Spot prices for metallurgical coal have already risen above the $200 a tonne level, almost double where they stood a year ago. Tim Dudley, analyst at Arbuthnot, believes UK listed coal stocks will continue to attract interest on the back of rising prices.

"Those international producers exposed to the seaborne market will continue to see historically high prices. This will be driven by growing demand in China and India against supply limitations, most acute for coking coal due to its relative scarcity as a result to barriers imposed by infrastructure limitations on new production entering the market in the near term," Dudley said.

While Asia has typically been known as an exporter rather than importer, the picture has altered of late given that its rapid growth. Barring new coal supply being discovered, some analysts say it could become a key importer.

Imports to China shot up to 34.4 million tonnes in 2009, over five times greater than the 6.85 million tonnes recorded in 2008. China is believed to have imported 13.11 million tonnes of coal in February - a jump of almost 200% year-on-year, while the country's northern Shanxi province - which accounts for one third of the country's coal output - also saw a rise in imports to 903,000 tonnes during the first two months of the year.

So confident are UK-listed companies of Asian demand, that earlier this month FTSE 100 major BHP Billiton overhauled its coal contracts from yearly to quarterly with its customers across China, India and Japan, effectively allowing it to tap in to rises in the coal price.

Charles Kernot, analyst at Evolution Securities, commented: "China's move to a net importer has also impacted international trade flows, putting pressure on shipping capacity and increasing international freight rates. We see little likelihood of this situation reversing in the foreseeable future and expect that China's demand for all forms of energy will continue to squeeze global markets."

Coal's significance becomes even more poignant in light of comments from Sir David King, the government's former chief scientist, that the world's oil reserves have been greatly exaggerated.

He claims that demand may overtake supply as soon as 2014 and conventional reserves are actually somewhere in the region of 850-900 billion, rather than the 1,150-1,350 billion barrels suggested.

Times are looking equally promising for UK domestic producers, which should benefit from the change in dynamics which make it economically unviable to import coal.

Dudley said: "UK domestic producers should benefit from the prospects of a weak pound, as spot and new contracted prices will be largely marked off the US dollar quoted price of coal, while rising freight rates, driven by raw material consumption in developing countries, reduce the economics for UK generators to import coal. This creates a great environment for many of the UK-listed coal companies to grow."

However, it is difficult to ignore the noises coming out of global governments that the world must place itself on a low carbon footing.

Greenpeace has slammed coal-fired power stations on the basis "we can't cut our CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050 and keep pumping the stuff out of our power plant", and while there remains a lack of carbon prices in most advanced economies, there continues to be uncertainty surrounding the possibility of future proposals.

UK energy supplier RWE npower recently urged the government to come to an agreement with energy companies and consumers to encourage investment into alternative energies, while the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change has pledged its support for Carbon Capture and storage technology.

However, Dymott of Cenkos Securities, believes coal companies will adapt to the changing ways.

"There are a number of new cleaner methods and I believe companies are moving in the right direction. There will be growing concern about blackouts and power supply shortages so I believe investors will continue to keenly look into this area."

Altona Energy (ANR) is just one of the companies looking to revolutionise the way coal is produced.

The AIM-listed group focuses on coal resources in the Arckaringa Basin of South Australia which it believes holds a resource equivalent to 7.8 billion barrels of clean-burning fuel for Australia and the world.

Shares in the firm have risen a hefty 188% over the past year and 50% in the past week alone following a joint venture with China National Offshore Oil Company.

Read: Project advances set to lift Altona for Edmond Jackson's investment view on the firm.

Meanwhile, Subu Varada, mining analyst at Liberum Capital, said demand will far outstrip incoming regulation across the emerging markets.

"In general, government proposals are not restricting demand in emerging markets, especially from China and India. A far more important feature is the lack of infrastructure in Australia. There remains plenty of interest in coal among investors and we are bullish looking ahead."

Societe Generale believes that coal prices will be bullish in the both the medium and long term due to increasing global trade tightness, while Zacks Investment Research recently hailed 2010 as a "transformative year for the coal industry".

It could be a good time for investors to join the coal rush.

2010年3月26日 星期五

基金經理談選股中國公司經驗 (Barron's)

Guinness Atkinson中國及香港基金(Guinness Atkinson China & Hong Kong Fund)經理埃德蒙﹒哈裡斯(Edmund Harriss)


哈裡斯:是的。眼下中國的政策是推進工業化進程,特別是實 現在建築及重工業領域等的擴張。這些領域能夠最大程度實現就業,每年中國都有大約1,200萬人加入勞動大軍,從農村來到工廠打工的移民人數差不多也有這 麼多。

中國每年都新增60吉瓦達到80吉瓦的發電能力,這相當於英國現有的總裝機容量,而在過去五年中國發電能力一直保持這一增速。其中 很大部分來自燃煤發電。中國每年消耗約22億噸煤,其中將近一半用於發電。在建築行業最重要的原材料是鋼,煉鋼也消耗了大量的煤炭。

《巴 倫周刊》:兗州煤業股份(Yanzhou Coal Mining Co.)是你手中的第一大股。該公司生產的煤主要是鍋爐用煤還是煉焦煤?

哈 裡斯:主要是鍋爐用煤。中國幾乎沒有煉焦煤。兗州煤業規模較小,我喜歡它是因為它主攻現貨、而非期貨合約市場。眼下現貨價格要比合約價格漲幅大。 去年供應電廠的煤炭合同價約為每噸60美元,現貨價格則可以達到每噸80-90美元。同時兗州煤業還在尋求通過收購澳大利亞的一家煤礦企業來實現產能擴 張。


哈 裡斯:兗州煤業開始時在基金中所佔比重是2.5%,它的比例上升是因為股價上漲。現在我要吹捧下自己,電池及電動車廠家比亞迪股份(Byd Co.)是一只去年年中時還一度佔據基金約十分之一比重的股票。當時我認為這一比例過高,所以就減持了約一半,現在又略微去掉了一些。

《巴 倫周刊》:巴菲特(Buffett)旗下伯克希爾-哈撒韋公司(Berkshire Hathaway)看好比亞迪的報導是否有所幫助?(編者 注:伯克希爾-哈撒韋旗下一公司在2008年年底吸納了比亞迪約十分之一股份。)

哈裡斯:來自巴菲特消息幫了大忙,不過我要很高興地指出我在他之前就採取了行動。作為手機電池生產商的比亞迪產品質量良好,現在公司進軍電 動車領域並贏得了一些市場。所以那時我認為這應該是個不錯的持股選擇,而它也確實表現很好。可是巴菲特出手後,比亞迪的估值就基本進入了另一個區間。在過 去18個月中,比亞迪的汽車業務成長得非常好;該公司在2009年第三季度銷售的車比上半年還要多。我認為截至2009年年底比亞迪車的銷量達到了40萬 輛。


我認為是可行的,而且他們是中國唯一家有電池生 產經驗的汽車制造公司,這是一個有意思的題材。他們在2001年就啟動了這個項目。比亞迪說他們要進軍電動汽車市場,大家都笑了,因為他們做過的只有電池 和手機。但他們堅持了下來,並有了一款行之有效的產品。如果你要在中國做電池一行,並且跟一家中國合作伙伴合作,這個合作伙伴就是比亞迪。

《巴 倫周刊》:讓我們談談中海油(Cnooc)和中石油(PetroChina)。它們當中存在什麼樣的機會?

我傾向於中海 油,它是一家勘探與生產企業中石油是綜合性的,它有勘探與生產,有煉油,還有不斷增長的天然氣業務,這塊業務的貢獻現在還不明顯。他們一直在大手筆地投 資一條大型輸氣管道。中石油在中國天然氣領域佔據一席之地,而中國也希望更多地利用天然氣。他們的天然氣進口量相當大,另外,最開始他們有修建儲氣設施的 計劃,在中國沿海建約10座,事實上只建了兩座。中國的天然氣儲備在西部,問題就在於怎樣把它輸送到東部沿海省份。

仔細地考察中石油,你 可以很好地將勘探與生產方面模型化,你可以最大程度地將化工方面模型化,但煉油業務包括了一種不確定性。你根本不知道這種業務會掙多少錢,因為產品價格是 固定的,而政府為了讓煉油廠維持運營,事實上存在補貼。勘探與生產公司產油要交稅,這筆稅拿去給煉油公司做了補貼,使其產品價格在國內處在一個合理的水 平。這樣,你不知道政府會拿出多少補貼──所以它是一個難以把握的公司。


我 認為中海油在其中更加一目了然,因為它是在海外產油,我們可以制定一個財務模型。我們可以說,中海油的40%值得買入,10%是稅收,其余都和印度尼西亞 有關。這樣你可以設立一個定價模型,然後可以非常接近地預測到中海洋將來的利潤。我仍然喜歡中石油,雖然它難於被模型化。

《巴倫周 刊》:我們再談談互聯網。我注意到,你一直在搜狐(Sohu.com)、網易(NetEase.com)和完美時空(Perfect World)上面加倉。它們身上有哪些東西讓你喜歡?

要做收入增長的題材,要從中國年輕人的消費中獲利,三家公司都是很 好的途徑。它們都是很好的公司。中國人喜歡上網。中國互聯網的騰飛速度是驚人的。

即時通信正在快速騰飛,然後還有那些角色扮演遊戲,到處 都有網吧。搜狐、網易和完美時空,它們都在從這些在線遊戲中獲得非常好的業務,利潤率在70%到80%。它們的主要成本在於服務器和帶寬租賃費用,以及遊 戲的總成本,但除此以外基本上全是利潤。例如,完美時空剛剛在去年10月份推出一款遊戲的新版,據估計,這款遊戲在完美時空去年第四季度的收入中約佔 10%。這個起飛速度實在是很快。這種東西的需求太大了。

怎樣做消費題材?你可以選擇中國的零售商,但零售這一行做起來不容易,如果銷售 規劃出了錯,你會賠錢的。其實你可以選擇一家市盈率低很多、利潤率高很多而現金流又非常充沛的網絡遊戲運營商。要做中國消費這個題材,這種辦法的風險要低 很多。

《巴倫周刊》:你剛剛提到了即時通信。中國移動(China Mobile)也是這種消費題材中的一部分嗎?

哈 裡斯:

中國移動算 是處於守勢。他們取得了上海浦東發展銀行20%的股權,實際上可以進入電子支付、手機支付之類的領域。但我認為,他們覺得必須提供更多服務,才能抵擋中國 電信(China Telecom)和中國聯通(China Unicom Hong Kong)等公司的進攻,留往他們現有的用戶。


交銀國際表示,金山軟件(3888.HK)(3888.HK - 新聞 - 公司資料)第四季業績在《劍3》和軟件帶動下略超預期,收入環比增22%,同比增17%。攤薄後每股盈利增76%,按年增18%。




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This blog is above all important news, interesting investment topic and potential shares in HK and UK. This year, I will specificlly looking for a multi bagger shares, this ia challenge a challenge that the young ones have to takes some time!
